About _Seatroll_'s screens. Mostly (small sword, head, skull's amylet) is his own work. Armor... mm.. by, afaik.
Greetings comrade

Models created not by me, but plenty of authors (Hedgehog-12, Mandamus, Phijama, Korana i guess). Other sh*t i do (like combine skull collar, draconis sheath, ranger quiver, satchel and default silver dagger mesh for example) in photoshop\cs\nifscope - yes. Simple i just customise my character and his stuff for my own use

For custom race i use westly's breton head, and modified slof's skin. Now i changed head mesh so he have animated eyes - thanks to awesome modmaker Phaedrus for his mod.
U better ask me for list of mods i used than try to lucky guess
