I don't recognise his armour - but it matches his sword really well - what's happening with the woodelf behind Haldorf is she having some alpha issues?
You'd have to be psychic to recognise that armour, I just 'finished' it yesterday.

Like aeddan23 and Rockstar_Dance said, Bree (the Bosmer) chameleons whenever he pulls a weapon out.
A low level Chameleon effect would be my guess.
You would guess right. It's the Cutt throat companion/partners mod mod. All of the companions have a low chameleon ability, and I recognize the dark elf in the far back, her name is like Ravisha or something, I used to use this mod. =) Good taste man.
I was just messing around seeing what would happen if I tried to get multiple companions for Haldorf, and was kinda surprised that it was easy to get them to go with him even though there was already others. I thought that they would complain that he already had a romantic partner. :huh: