Screens are DX9. When PCGH released those screens (2 weeks bofore), nobody felt difference. No official screens now. Adam said "We're working on getting some official media for the DX11 update so please remain patient until that becomes available." Anyway, DX11 will not make clear difference. This is just DX11 support same as other games.
DX 11 will make difference in display of different things. Try out metro 2033 with dx 9 ON and with dx 11 ON with all tessellation and etc. If you will not see difference then I do not envy you with your eyesight.
What it shows is how amazing this game already looks. All of those morons bashing the graphics need to see these DX9 shots before rushing to say DX9 is ****.
DX 11 will make difference in display of different things. Try out metro 2033 with dx 9 ON and with dx 11 ON with all tessellation and etc. If you will not see difference then I do not envy you with your eyesight.
I didn't say it doesn't make difference. It makes difference, but small. Small graphics quality difference. DX11 don't change all aspect of graphics. Developers don't use DX11 for all. They use it only a few things. This means, small difference. We can't see clear difference except a few things. If we compare a few parts which DX11 applied & DX9, we may notice difference. But 90% of game are same as DX9. No DX11 for 90% of game. Unfortunately we can notice performance drop easily, haha.
Metro 2033 DX9 DX11 comparsion
Most people say no difference. Yes, there are some differences as you said. But it's very small factor. So most people don't notice.
DX11 =? bad perfomance for little bit more quality DX9 = excelent? balance of quality/perfomance
Do people not realize that thats DX9? I love how people are responding saying "beautiful". Thats the version we have now! A very good version I should say! The video already showed those red bricks tessellated, however in the screens they are not (because its DX9).
THat "off-screen" video is the only view we have seen of DX11 so far.
I don't get the whole DX importance issue myself, granted that the later versions do have render paths that can save memory and time BUT, DX9 isn't **** if it already produces great graphics like Crysis 2 currently has. I judge games from how well they play, not from how they look. But hearing that DX11 might be coming soon, makes it good I have a compatible card! :>
I suppose the one thing I deem more important than quality is performance, I do like a decent framerate. I also do want to make DX11 feel more important by holding back on another run through of Single-player until DX11 comes out, Post-Human Warrior difficulty would be worth doing with Post-Human Graphics.
Are these really DX11 screenshots? I don't see any tesselation anywhere. I don't know what are you looking, but if you look the video, the brick wall... you will notice a clear change from a plain wall, a cube, with sharp edges, to a more realistic one.
Also, the same in the water. Tesselation works great to make water effects...
these arent DX11 pictures. You can clearly see that bricked walls are flat. You can notice that its flat really easily. Also in other pictures i cannot see Added tessellation anywhere. Yeah it looks beautiful but it just aint DX11. With DX11 it will look almost twice as pretty. @ people saying that DX11 gives so little difference, well ofc it gives so little difference because DX11 is new and DEVs are lazy enough to make an engine on their own which utilizes all DX11 features. Metro 2033 graphicly intensive game? oh please dont get me wrong but theres almost no DX11 inclouded and it eats ur FPS a lot. There are few things that are tessellated and thats all. they didnt even bother with polishing deph of field, on half of scenes u can see deph of field as a square which blures out some of the things. I dont even want to start with characters. They look so 2005ish even with a bit of tessellation. We have to wait and see how good DX11 will be utilised in crysis 2 but im quite optimistic about their dx11 utilisation. They will utilise all features that DX11 gives... enhanced lightings, tessellation, DOF.... It will look great
IMHO Crysis 2 is gonna define DX11, like right now the devs are trailblazing dx11 using Crysis 2, setting the benchmark if you like. Yeah, it's gonna be the best looking game on the planet like that old one used to be ..what's it's name ...oh yeah Crysis.
i dont expect miracles from crytek.......they can make whatever they want but atleast should gloat about make the best dam graphics on pc because thats clearly false,
And the screens are dx9. I didnt see any tessellation and DOF was crap. Crysis is currently relying on cheap tricks. U can polish a turd but its still a turd
i dont expect miracles from crytek.......they can make whatever they want but atleast should gloat about make the best dam graphics on pc because thats clearly false,
And the screens are dx9. I didnt see any tessellation and DOF was crap. Crysis is currently relying on cheap tricks. U can polish a turd but its still a turd
The graphics in this game aren't the best, but far from turd like. Black Ops has turd like graphics. Don't compare the two.
It's the best lookin' FPS right now, it has the best game play of any FPS right now, and it's only gonna get better, and yeah turd like graphics it aint, as all of us who use GPU monitoring programs know.
it was just a figure of speech. And I never compared BO and Crysis 2. My main beef is that crytek still thinks they are awesome in their head. They should man up and just admit their mistakes and not falsely claim they delivered the best graphics on pc. Must be true for consoles but not for PC
Crysis 1 is still king of graphics since 2006. Crysis 2 could have taken that crown if it wasn't for the lower quality textures and effects. Mind you. The Witcher 2 is up there too but yes Crysis 1 is king of the FPS graphics still.
It's the best lookin' FPS right now, it has the best game play of any FPS right now, and it's only gonna get better, and yeah turd like graphics it aint, as all of us who use GPU monitoring programs know.
Where is best looking FPS? Where is best gameplay? You're at wrong forum? lol