I am all for them doing whatever they want, it's their game, it irks me when they come here and start whining when said exploit is removed.
I am all for them doing whatever they want, it's their game, it irks me when they come here and start whining when said exploit is removed.
I have an idea. Dont write anything in the topic. We are annoyed because PC can cheat all they want with console commands. But we cant. The game is finished and building settlements and robots and guns is all thats left. Hunting everything down gets boring after 500 hours of playing
And we don't need whiny people complaining when the game's bugs get fixed.
You want to cheat? Do so to your heart's content. Don't come crying when your broken game gets fixed.
I play on PC and the only time i have used the console is when i got stuck between a cabinet and a wall.
Stop using generalizing statements.
It wasnt broken. Learn the difference between a bug, and a harmless exploit. Enjoy your console commands
I don't know how many time this has to be said but like my self, no one really cares about the fact that they patch those exploits, its the fact that they choose to fix those first over other more major problems with the game that are really game breaking. If they wanted to patch these that's fine, I'm sure there will be mods that change that later on, Just they should be fixing the real problems first. But at this point this exploit argument is getting real old, whats done is done. If you still want to take advantage of these exploits on console like me just reinstall the game offline and play without those patches, then save, then re-update simple as that. Not sure as to why this discussion turn into and argument over those long gone exploits anyways the OP wasn't even complaining about anything, OP was simply just sharing a dilemma.
Yes because every PC player has 999999999 caps and infinite health+ammo because we all use the console to cheat the minute we leave the vault.
We don't want to play the game correctly and how it was meant to be played, we just want to ruin the whole experience for ourselves from the get-go.
Well done you dont use your console commands. The option is nice isnt it? What do we have?
No the option to have it is Nice for end game.
The end game? start a new character.
Yes, it is nice for when i get stuck on scenery or a quest bugs out or when i want to test a mod.
You don't get to make the call as to what is broken or not. You didn't make the game.
Oh clearly the harmless exploit was game destroying. = why we are annoyed.
Thank you.
I am studying game Design and college and plan to go into the industry, the fact that no matter what you do, entitled children will whine and try to dictate what you do with YOUR game actually scares me, i feel bad for a lot of developers having to put up with this crap on a day to day basis, it must be very difficult for them, making a game is hard enough without the self-entitled masses of whiners.
How can i build everything i want with a new character?
You are supposed to work for it and scavenge the resources yourself, that is the whole point of the settlement building, the sense of achievement when you have completed it, knowing you have worked for it.
If you want to just build, as i said, there are plenty of sandbox building games out there.
Lets pray you never make a game because with your attitude it will truly be awful
Wow, just, wow.
This has actually really upset me
You know what? i'm done, thanks for that......
Except you don't know why they fix things nor why they fix them in the order they do. You can choose to believe they did it just to slight consoles, if you are paranoid and have feelings of insecurity about your choice of platform, but the fact of the matter is that only Bethesda knows why they fix things in a certain order. And I am going to go out on a limb here and say that they fixed it because it was an easy fix that would not break anything else in the fixing. Not because they "h8 konsouls and lik da PC moar".
Developers must address all glitches without discrimination.
They will try to fix all unintended glitches regardless of player`s opinions.
They should just add a option for unlimited supplies.
I didn't fix it; Bethesda did. They decided it need to be taken out and they did it. I had no input. Try to keep up. Your rage and teen angst is causing you to misread things.