screw you soccer moms!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:09 am

So a Blood Dragon attacked Solitude today, (the city cell itself, not outside) and one of the kids got a full face full of dragon fire. couldn't even see him. now if this had happened to any other NPC they would be an ash pile, this kid must be Jesus or something cuz he doesn't even have a scratch.

Now, im sorry crazy children protection groups, but this is a Mature rated game, and is meant for mature audiences. Part of being a mature audience is realizing that when a kid takes point blank dragon fire to the face, they are dead. It would have increased my immersion 100% if that kid had died there and then for the rest of my play through, i would see his dopey face being melted in my dreams.

EDIT: LOL! i dont know how i managed to confuse heliocopter moms with soccer moms
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:11 am

Discussion of this topic is disallowed here.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:39 am

Hell naw. Let them kids be immortal.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:20 am

You can already decapitate all the women in the game, pose their headless bodies around your house and display their heads on a bookshelf so what's the problem with a dead kid or two? :unsure2:
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:20 pm

Discussion of this topic is disallowed here.

i fail to see why its not.. this is general skyrim discussion no?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 am

No, but mostly because I don't want to lose them to dragon attacks.
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Marine x
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:46 am

i fail to see why its not.. this is general skyrim discussion no?
Discussion of child abuse, virtual or otherwise is not allowed on these forums
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:16 pm

talk of child killing is not allowed, yes its not realistic but isnt it obvious why they dont get rinsed.... stop baiting and grow up if your so mature.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:06 pm

i fail to see why its not.. this is general skyrim discussion no?

Did you even read the forum rules before posting this? Its not gonna be in because then Skyrim would get banned for being a child mass-killing simulation. Same reason FO3 didn't have it. Troll harder
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:11 am

...Then answer me this; why in the world would they just, you know, not include children? I couldn't give less of a crap if kids weren't around, but if you know that kids are going to be unkillable, and if you know that they're going to get attacked by other NPCs and dragons and stuff. then why would you put them in the game?
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:23 am

If they allowed the slaying of children in Skyrim it'll be rated 18.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:08 am

CoD killed a kid, fallout allowed it way back when, and so did deus ex. the only difference is that games are more popular now... which to me means more free publicity when you have a controversial thing like mortal children, but the PR people who went to college studying their craft as penned by their peers from entirely different eras of human history and culture seem to disagree.

personally, i think kids shouldnt be in the game at all. beth has a bad habit of making them snot-nosed little punks, then expect us to just sit there and take it because theyre immortal. forget mods to make them mortal... why are they here to begin with? what do they add other than the incessantly frustrating knowledge that they are above the laws of nature and the universe and will never ever come to any harm at all...
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:59 pm

I think Yathzee illustrated it best in this week's column:

The common justification to ask for one's character being able to kill kids in a game where you can kill advlts is that immersion demands that one be able to kill anyone.

Does that mean that in a game where a character can have six with advlts, it'd be justified to demand the character be able to have six with the kids, too?

The answer is obviously no. At some point, boundaries have to be set to preserve the integrity on the intended atmosphere of the game. Skyrim is not supposed to be a story where children get killed. That's really all there is to it.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:31 am

Political mindfield if they did try to introduce it - it's bad enough that games like Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row and the like are blamed for ALL GUN CRIME EVER (as an example), without a respectable company like Bethesda creating an environment that allows mass killing of children.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:22 pm

the one thing that annoys me is that there are only 2 children models as far as i can tell...and way not enough children, younger advlts, moms with babies etc...
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:05 am

I think Yathzee illustrated it best in this week's column:

The common justification to ask for one's character being able to kill kids in a game where you can kill advlts is that immersion demands that one be able to kill anyone.

Does that mean that in a game where your character can have six with advlts, you'd demand your character be able to have six with the kids, too?

Mods are there for this sort of thing, and they are EXTREMELY pupular. Lots of pedos in the pc gaming world
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:33 am

Does that mean that in a game where a character can have six with advlts, it'd be justified to demand the character be able to have six with the kids, too?

Just because your culture thinks one can't marry a 14 year old when one is 20 does not mean all culturs must adhere to your laws, right?
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Bedford White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:55 pm

at the very least, NPC children should burn to a crisp by a dragon (wich is no way humanly realistic or subject to angry bible thumpers) and YOU the player would have absolutely no control over an event like that.
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Glu Glu
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:28 pm

I don't like all this political correctness in games, so I wouldn't mind. Not that I'll go out on a kid killing spree though.

At the very least they should make children behave realisticly; let them run into their houses at the very sight of trouble or cowering in a corner or something.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:31 pm

Killing a young person is wrong but an old person is ok? This is basicly saying children are worth more. When you put different values at people because of age, abilities etc. that is immoral imo.

Therefore not being able to kill children in the game is immoral.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:44 am

the title is funny!

I'd have no problems at all with this, but since BEth is concerned or afraid about the subject, why not make it so that where there are children, there is no danger / enemy possible? So lets say children do not only stay in house, they go to gardens, schools... near those places no danger. Period (and they remain immortal, in case you psycho wanna see what its like).
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:27 am

Since the actual topic is not alIowed anyways: think it's time to leave them soccer moms alone. Like others are better people or something. Then again, most people who use the term don't even seem to know what it means anyways, so whatever.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:53 am

Anyone who wants kids to die in a video game needs to have his head checked.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:23 pm

Anyone who wants kids to die in a video game needs to have his head checked.

Or maybe they know there's a difference between virtual and reality.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:20 am

Or maybe they know there's a difference between virtual and reality.

Actually, as far as brain signals and physiological responses are concerned, they are distressingly closer than you think... :whisper:
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