Okay so I've got my Skyrim collector's edition game and collectors edition strategy guide pre-ordered and paid in full. I've got my vacation from work already set in stone. I've got my Mother to watch my kids for 4 days of the week from the time they get out of school until my wife gets off of work. Everything seemed to be ready and falling into place just perfectly so that I would be able to delve into possibly the greatest game I will ever play.......until this morning....I decided to check the mail and what do I find..... a damn Juror Summons set for 11-7-11....By the nine can't I just for once catch a break!
anyone else getting shafted?
Seems like I'm
always getting summoned... sigh. If I'd known, I never would've registered to vote and took my chances driving without a license, as that's 2 main sources for their jury pool names.
Take heart, most times it's a standby phone-in gig for a week. If you're called to appear, it's usually a one or two day civil trial, no biggie. And afterwards, you'll have a 2year(?) pass on being summoned.
Last time I got called, unfortunately, I got drafted for a criminal trial, a 2-weeker. Awful. Even pre-trial at the sorting stage, one of the scu... defendants was making a gun out of his fist and pointing it at us potential jurors. *Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!* No doubt that this was some perverted revenge as I'd asked for, and recieved, a delay on a summons about 4 months earlier. Hubby was scheduled for major back surgery & needed my assistance post-op.
On the bright side, I've now got a 6year(?) pass on being summoned again. Of course, that pass only applies to local courts, not State/Fed. With my luck? -it's in the mail already. :banghead: