On the other hand, Skyrim isn't going anywhere and will be there when you're done. Why not at least consider performing a wonderful civic duty. We're lucky to live in a country that allows public jurors. Someone is counting on the public to ensure their trial is fair. It's a bit of a shame that the public views it as a terrible convenience these days, rather than an honorable responsibility in a free society.
Lucky to live in a country that forces people to sit on a jury that they have no interest in, have no clue who you are and are to determine your fate?
Ok then.
What are the odds that the people on the jury just flat out don't care what happens to you, and just go with the flow to avoid dragging the trial out?
The world and the people in it are not the same as they used to be, and there is no reason that I should expect anyone who is on a jury to care about the people on trial, or even make fair or good decisions with out personal bias.
It would be better if people could volunteer, and then figure out what to do with the rest of the open slots.
I have never been to, and hope I never have to be on a jury.
Mostly because I want nothing to do when it comes to deciding the fate of another human, for any reason other than self defense.
Maybe you should just relax and enjoy it?
I mean...the game comes out on a weekend, giving you 3 days of playing uninterrupted. If you get picked to be on jury, you're going to be 9-5 every day, with a set time leaving every day. No overtime, no "can you stay late at the office". I'm sure this is probably BETTER than your regular work/commute schedule in some way, yes?
Plus you can participate in giving justice to someone. I always find it sad that the smart people find a way out of jury duty, leaving the morons to make decisions that affect people for the rest of their lives.
If you were ever in front of a jury, wouldn't you want someone like you listening to your case?
No, I would not want someone like me on my jury, simple because I would not want to be there and want to get it over with ASAP.
Would YOU want someone who clearly doesnt want to be there, or has little to zero interest in participating to be the judge with the potential to affect someones entire life from that point forward?
Not everyone thinks so highly of the justice system that they would want to support it, or "relax and enjoy" something of this nature. I am one such person.
The law = good, people who don't like the law are unproductive citizens and should look to my sig.
You sig,
If you dont like how society works then the chances are you are not a productive member of society.
Anonymous and all groups like it are the scum of the earth.
Is flat offensive, the law is not always good or "right", and those who don't like how things work are not necessarily unproductive.
Anonymous and all groups like it, are simply standing up for what they believe to be right.
Just like you.
On topic OP.
I hope you can get out of it, from everything I have heard about it, its just a massive time waste and at time for some can be costly in lost wages.
There is no reason to force a person with a job and family to sit on a jury, and I am sure some people out there would love to take your place.