I assume it can't hurt to remove it manually even if it'd remove on its own. If I remove it manually, should I just use an ability instead of a spell with duration? Or does it not matter? Can I ask anymore questions?
For reference, this is the current script. Not compiled, so there might be some errors (just wrote this up in wordpad since I don't have access to MWEdit or the CS).
Begin md_MI_loc_hilbongardFloat Timer ; timer is unneseccary if a 60 second spell added to the player through this script will become inactive on its ownif ( GetDistance Player <= 512 ) Set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed if ( md_lore_hilbon != 0 ) ; global variable set in dialogue or from reading lore books player->addspell md_MI_loc_hilbon_lore_sp ; special spell which has either extra bonus effects, or less penalties PlaySound "cast success" if ( Timer > 60 ) player->removespell md_MI_loc_hilbon_lore_sp PlaySound "cast fail" endif elseif ( md_lore_hilbon == 0 ) player->addspell md_MI_loc_hilbon_sp ; the standard lore-less spell effect PlaySound "cast success" if ( Timer > 60 ) player->removespell md_MI_loc_hilbon_sp PlaySound "cast fail" endif endifendif