I did that, and discovered that NPCs' behavior indeed switched - the one inserted into the debugged quest got the script; the one inserted into the current quest lost it. I might suggest that the reason is that I used PositionCell to place a NPC into an exterior cell rather than interior, if I didn't experiment earlier with following results:
I made a script that sends *all* vanilla NPCs (and then all mod NPCs) into a single place to check their scripts - I thought that by comparing those that lose scripts and those that don't I might get the correlation. Instead I figured that *all* NPCs lose the script when I teleport them into the place where PC already is, and retain it when I teleport them first and visit the cell later. That, I believe, can be considered a hard fact, but it still doesn't explain the weirdness above. Since the place I experimented was Vivec Temple's platform cleaned of all possible obstacles (as it turned out, I wanted to check no less than 800 NPCs!

) - clearly an exterior cell, and I also used PositionCell and not Position.
Now, what my current quest details were. The idea is that PC gets quest-moving information from a certain NPC in Balmora Hlaalu Council, and when he leaves the building, he meets a "messenger" - my NPC. By results of a previous paragraph, such transition should have been safe, but it's not. What is interesting, when I talk to Hlaalu NPC whose dialog teleports the messenger to the outside, then teleport myself into a different interior cell (Fighters Guild) and then walk outside, the messenger has his script intact. Then I implanted the summoning command to dialogue lines of other NPCs and experimented some more. It turned out that when I summon the messenger, then walk outside, he loses the script. When I summon him, then teleport to another exterior cell (Moonmoth fort for example), then walk back on foot, he loses the script. When I either teleport to another interior cell before leaving or summon the messenger from a cell that doesn't have direct doors to exterior but has an intermediate cell (had to employ Moonmoth fort again - there's no multiple cell houses in Balmora), he retains the script. Now that could be considered a trend... if not for results of my "totality experiment" above. For then I coc'ed to Vivec Temple straight from the starting prison ship after summoning everybody there, and they still had their scripts.
*sigh* I don't know what to make of the last bit of info, I'm tired and have a headache approaching. Off to bed for today.