It's not exactly intuitive for new modders.

To get the mannequin to show an equipped weapon, MentalElf's mannequin code forces it to attack an invisible enemy a script places right in front of it, unlike other mods which start the mannequin attacking the player, which causes companions to freak. I've assumed that the code in his mod actually worked and wasn't broken when it was uploaded... The mannequin and the enemy drone are NPCs of race Mannequin with (not sure if it's necessary, but was in MentalElf's code) opposing factions and -100 attitude modifers.
The code I've edited looks like this:
if ( GetWeaponDrawn ) SkipAnim SetFight, 0 StopCombat elseif ( DronePlaced == 0 ) set DronePlaced to 1 PlaceAtMe, "IB_TargetDummy", 1, 0, 0MessageBox, "Drone activated!" ; debugging, since the drone is invisible Disable Enable StartCombat, "IB_TargetDummy" SetFight, 90 StartCombat, "IB_TargetDummy" endif
TESCS is fine with the line PlaceAtMe, "IB_TargetDummy", 1, 0, 0 but barfs on the next reference StartCombat, "IB_TargetDummy" giving an "NPC/creature not found" error. But this NPC is clearly in the master list. How do I get this reference working?