scn droptorchMalonn; optimized & modified by dev_akm to block torch messageshort weapshort Cavebegin menumode 1 if (player.getitemcount torch05 > 0) Message " " Message " " player.removeitem torch05 1 endifendbegin menumode 1008 if (player.getitemcount torch05 > 0) Message " " Message " " player.removeitem torch05 1 endifendbegin gamemode if TorchRetrieveMalonn set TorchRetrieveMalonn to 0 endif if (Player.IsWeaponOut != 1) Return else if (player.getEquipped torch02) if player.isshieldout Message " " Message " " Player.additem torch06 1 Player.equipitem torch06 Player.Drop torch06 1 Player.RemoveItem Torch02 1 elseif (player.GetWeaponAnimType > 1) Message " " Message " " Player.additem torch06 1 Player.equipitem torch06 Player.Drop torch06 1 Player.RemoveItem Torch02 1 endif endif endifend
This script is attached to a torch. Torch02 editor ID.
scn retrievetorchMalonn; optimized & modified by dev_akm to block torch messagefloat torchburnoutshort startershort armedfloat tempfloat torchxfloat torchyfloat torchzfloat torchfxfloat torchfyfloat torchfzref lightrefbegin gamemode SetOwnership if getdisabled lightref.disable enable activate player else if (starter == 0) set temp to getpos z + 80 SetPos z, temp set lightref to placeatme torch03light set starter to 1 endif endif set torchburnout to ( torchburnout + getsecondspassed ) set torchx to getpos x set torchy to getpos y set torchz to getpos z lightref.SetPos x, torchx lightref.SetPos y, torchy lightref.SetPos z, torchz if (hasflames == 0) lightref.disable removeflames disable elseif (torchburnout >= 250) lightref.disable removeflames disable endifEndbegin onactivate player activate set TorchRetrieveMalonn to 1 set starter to 0 lightref.disable set torchburnout to 0Endbegin OnAdd player if (getdisabled == 0) Message " " Message " " player.additem torch02 1 If (player.getequipped torch02 == 0) set armed to player.isweaponout if (armed == 0) || (player.GetWeaponAnimType < 2 && player.IsShieldOut == 0) Message " " Message " " player.equipitem torch02 endif endif endifEnd
This is attached to a torch as well. Torch05 editor ID
scn droptorch2Malonnref lightrefBEGIN ONLOADif getdisabled == 0 disable set lightref to placeatme torch05endifEnd
And this is attached to a torch - torch06 editor ID.