I need to either combine nifs for the explosion effect and the pulse glow effect for the radiation after the explosion effect or script 2 explosions(one null with a nif) to do the effects I want. I have tried impact data but it will not animate the nif file correctly and I have tried palceobject but it forces the core to stay on and not blink and it dose not time out correctly.
Also not had any luck combning nifs via nifscope and 3Dmax dose nto like one of the nifs says its missing something.
Its wrong but its as close as I have gotten so far.
ScriptName ZippyHFC01weakexpScriptfloat timerbegin OnHitbegin gamemode placeatme ZippyNULLRADexp placeatme ZippyHFCexp01Weak placeatme zippyNULLRADEXPNEW if timer < 5 set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed else removeme zippyNULLRADEXPNEW endifend