ScriptName DroppableQuestObject Extends ObjectReference Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference NewContainer, ObjectReference OldContainer) If FromQuest.GetStage() < StageToStopQuestItem ; Are we a quest item at the current stage? If OldContainer == PlayerREF FromQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(ObjectiveToDisplayOnDrop, True, True) FromQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(ObjectiveToHideOnDrop, False) ; Uncomplete the objective completed on pickup. If UncompleteEnable FromQuest.SetObjectiveCompleted(ObjectiveToCompleteOnPickup, False) EndIf If StageToSetOnDrop >= 0 FromQuest.SetStage(StageToSetOnDrop) EndIf ElseIf NewContainer == PlayerREF FromQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(ObjectiveToDisplayOnPickup, True, True) FromQuest.SetObjectiveCompleted(ObjectiveToCompleteOnPickup) If StageToSetOnPickup >= 0 FromQuest.SetStage(StageToSetOnPickup) EndIf EndIf Else ; Nope, we're not a quest item at this stage. EndIfEndEvent Actor Property PlayerREF AutoQuest Property FromQuest Auto ; Set this to the quest the item is a quest item for.Bool Property UncompleteEnable Auto ; If true, "uncomplete" the objective completed on pickup when dropped.Int Property StageToStopQuestItem = 99999 Auto ; At this stage or later, it effectively ceases to be a quest item anymore.Int Property StageToSetOnPickup = -1 Auto ; When item is picked up, set this stage in the quest (Defaults to No Stage)Int Property ObjectiveToDisplayOnPickup Auto ; What objective should be displayed when item is picked up by the player?Int Property ObjectiveToCompleteOnPickup Auto ; Usually the "Get this item" objective.Int Property StageToSetOnDrop = -1 Auto ; If player drops the item, what stage do we "go back" to?Int Property ObjectiveToDisplayOnDrop Auto ; Re-display the objective to "get" the object.Int Property ObjectiveToHideOnDrop = -1 Auto ; Should be the same as ObjectiveToDisplayOnPickup, ideally.
This is not a script for a droppable quest object. If you check the object a quest item you will not be able to drop it. All this script does it keep track of an item. The reason it was doing nothing was a separate issue I resolved.
I have several quest designed that involve crafting and object. As you know a quest object can not be dropped so it can not be used to craft anything. What I have done for now is trigger the quest to end when the player activates the crafting station and trigger a new quest to start. I was hopping to find a way to check the items out as quest item without ending the quest so I do not need to trigger a separate quest.