Script fragments at begin and end of AI package not executed

Post » Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:09 am

Hi again,

So I have an actor that's bound to several patrolIdleMarkers. This actor has a custom patrol AI-package, with a condition that checks for a certain quest stage and with script fragments for the begin and the end of that package. The begin fragment is supposed to check whether the actor is a) disabled and b] dead, if so it shall enable and / or resurrect the actor. At the end of the AI-package, the end fragment is supposed to simply disable the actor again.

The package itself (i.e. the patrol procedures and the condition) works fine, but the begin- and end-fragments are not executed: I still have to manually enable / disable and / or resurrect the actor.

Here is the full script:

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 11Scriptname PF_BE_toiletKeeperPatrol Extends Package Hidden;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_8Function Fragment_8(Actor akActor);BEGIN CODEbeginFunc();END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_10Function Fragment_10(Actor akActor);BEGIN CODEendFunc();END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin commentActor Property BE_toiletKeeper Autofunction beginFunc()if(BE_toiletKeeper.isDisabled())debug.notification("keeper disabled --> ENABLED")BE_toiletKeeper.enable()if(BE_toiletKeeper.isDead())debug.notification("keeper dead --> RESURRECTED")BE_toiletKeeper.resurrect()endIfendIfendFunctionfunction endFunc()BE_toiletKeeper.disable()debug.notification("keeper's package ended ---> DISABLED")endFunction

This script is attached under "attached scripts" in the begin/end/change section of the AI package - as you can see above, I'm trying to access the code via function calls within the begin- and end-fragments.

I'm still somewhat new to papyrus and I must say I also find it hard to find any tutorials which go beyond the usual "scripting 101" clue what could be causing this problem and if anyone has any idea, I would appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,


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