OK, I still got the issue when starting a new game so now it's starting to bug me. To recap, I get these warnings when in dialogue with bandits etc. that end with fights - in this case a Bandit on the road between Seyda Neen and Pelegiad:
Script banditscriptTrying to RunFunction index greater than function countThe script will not run anymore.
It's not game breaking as the fights will start as usual after saying yes to continue, but it's immersion breaking and annoying.
Here's the current mod list if anything pops out as suspicious. Using MGE 3.8.0 rev.116 and its internal MWSE. mlox is completely happy with the setup [wohoo!]:
Masters for prob0000.ess:001 Morrowind.esm002 Tribunal.esm003 Bloodmoon.esm004 RF - Furniture shop.esm005 Book Rotate.esm006 Morrowind Advanced.esm007 Texture Fix 1.8.esm008 TR_Data.esm009 TR_Map1.esm010 TR_Map2.esm011 The Undead.esm012 MCA.esm013 MW_Children_1_0.esm014 Hilgya the Seamstress.esm015 Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm016 Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm017 Ward of Akavir.esm018 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esm019 Clean The Lost Artifacts of Morrowind.esm020 Lgnpc_SN.esp (Version 0.31)021 Theurgist.esp022 Textured_Signs.esp023 bcsounds.esp024 master_index.esp025 LeFemmArmor.esp026 adamantiumarmor.esp027 EBQ_Artifact.esp028 House of Mannequins v1.0.esp (Version 1.0)029 NPCMove.esp030 Clean Tales of Tel Branora.esp031 MW_Adv_Required.esp032 RF - Bethesda Furniture.esp033 RF & HOM Compatability.esp034 Better Bodies.esp035 Loincloth_top_ pkg2.esp036 BAR_Comp_Arya_v1.3.esp037 Windows Glow.esp038 TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp039 Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp040 Give your orders v13.esp041 arkngt_sounds.esp [my own little tweaks, shouldn't be problematic]042 arkngt_tweaks.esp [my own little tweaks, shouldn't be problematic]043 Better armor (rev6_Iron).esp044 Better armor (rev5_Steel).esp045 Better armor (rev3_Ebony).esp046 Unique Banners and Signs.esp047 Better armor (rev4 Chitin).esp048 Illuminated Order v1.0.esp049 Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.esp050 Librarian with Jackets & Rotate BM Trib.esp051 Clean Solstheim_Castle_v1.1.esp052 Clean SCastle_LoKKen_Patch.esp053 Ice's BM Ice & NordicMail.esp054 Ice_Wolf_Cuirass_Mod.esp055 Bound Armorer's Hammers v1_3 [fixed].esp056 ShockCenturionCompanion_TB_V12.esp057 BB2_Silk_Dresses.esp058 ale_clothing_v0.esp059 House of Mannequins - Mistform fix.esp060 sg1_alchemy_book.esp061 Syc_AtHomeAlchemy.esp (Version 1.0)062 ale_clothing_v1.esp063 Galsiahs Character Development.esp064 GCD StartScript for Trib or Bloodmoon.esp065 GCD better balanced birthsigns.esp066 Clean Better Daedric.esp067 Lantern replacer By Leeloo.esp068 House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style.esp069 Clean Gloves_4_BB2_Silk_Dresses.esp070 BT_Lokken_child1.esp071 BT_WWLokpatch1.esp072 Bob's Armory 2.esp073 Elvenwear.esp074 BB_Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_v1.1.esp075 Improved Skilled Magicka.esp076 ASH 2.0.esp077 k_female_daedric_greaves.esp078 Tel Scelestus.esp079 Bob's Armory.esp080 Louis_BeautyShop_v1.5.esp081 IceNioLivRobeReplacerALL.esp082 Barons_Partners30.esp083 Map - Deluxe.esp084 Better Clothes_v1.1.esp085 BetterClothes_Patch.esp086 BetterClothesForTB.esp087 Universal Companion Share.esp088 MCA - COV Addon.esp089 MCA v5.2 - Lore Correct Named NPC.esp090 MCA_5.2_Additional_Companions.esp091 Pozzo's RoHT v1.25.esp092 LGNPC_Secret_Masters_v1_21.esp093 LGNPC_SM_MCA5.esp094 New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp095 LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_10.esp (Version 1.10)096 LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp (Version 1.20)097 LGNPC_Khuul_v2_01.esp (Version 2.01)098 LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_10.esp (Version 1.10)099 New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp100 KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_1.3.esp (Version 1.3)101 KS_Ren's_Oblivion_Hair_for_Morrowind_1.0.esp102 LGNPC_TelMora_v1_11.esp (Version 1.11)103 LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_03.esp (Version 2.03)104 Gothic Attire Complete v1-1.esp105 DN_Umbra.esp106 Uvirith's Legacy_ALPHA1.08.esp107 Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.esp108 Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.0.ESP109 UL_RoHT_Compatibility.esp110 LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_13.esp (Version 1.13)111 Westly's Master Headpack X.esp112 LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp (Version 1.32)113 LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_41.esp (Version 1.41)114 The Neverhalls.esp115 Orrutus Cavern 2.0.esp116 WA_SoulGems(!).esp117 Better armor (rev8_Imperial(ST+1).esp118 Better weaponz (rev2_Daedrik).esp119 Better armor (rev7_Templar).esp120 Better weapons (rev3_Imperial).esp121 Better weaponz (rev1_DWEM).esp122 Better Creature (rev3_Winged_Twilight).esp123 Better_Armor__rev11_Indoril_St_.esp124 Better_Armor__rev9_Bonemold_.esp125 LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_13.esp (Version 1.13)126 Corean_Hair_in_Morrowind.esp127 LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_10.esp (Version 1.10)128 Art Of War Museum.esp129 Undeads arise from death 1.3 - T - B - Neo.esp130 Exotic Imports by Westly.esp131 Alakazar's Lamp.esp132 LA_MWSE Addon.esp133 LA_MWSE IT Patch.esp134 Clean Dragon Blade.esp135 CoM_rt_outfits.esp136 CoM_em_outfits1.esp137 TVwofs.esp138 dremora_lords.esp139 Balance - NPC Spellcasting.esp140 Balance - game settings.esp141 Balance - Magic Effects.esp142 Balance - spells.esp143 Balance - Character.esp144 Balance - items.esp145 Clean Wakim's Regen.esp146 Unofficial_Expansion_for_Louis'_BeautyShop.esp147 SSlave_Companions.esp148 Uralie.esp149 Hilgya the Seamstress Expansion 1.esp150 Thigh High Boots 2.0.esp151 Clear Glass.esp152 Graphic Herbalism.esp153 Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp154 Graphic Herbalism TR.ESP155 Graphic Herbalism TR Extra.ESP156 ImprovedTeleportation2.0.esp157 Clean Atronach Expansion.ESP158 Advanced Steam Centurion.esp159 Alienor Hairstyle by Mandamus.esp160 Aurore's Hairstyle by Mandamus.esp161 Westly Presents_Aureals.esp162 Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp163 Undeads Skeletons Arise from Death.esp164 Starfires NPC Additions ver-1.1.esp165 Dragon Uchigatana.esp166 True Gems V1.1.esp167 Better Telekinesis.esp168 Mudcrab Island.esp [added after it started]169 UniqueFinery.esp170 Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp171 Westly Presents Nuada and Nuala.esp [added after it started]172 Census and Excise Office.esp173 daedric tower.esp [added after it started]174 Better armor (rev14_Glass).esp175 Better_Armor(Rev.10 - Orcish-AD).esp176 emma_bret_heads3.esp177 DeathKnight.esp [added after it started]178 The Sable Dragon.esp [added after it started]179 WAR_ROGUE_HAIR.esp [added after it started]180 Hold it replacer.esp [added after it started]181 Hold it - MCA addon.esp [added after it started]182 Hold it - SF npc addon.esp [added after it started]183 DN_IceBlade.esp184 SinWidowDress.ESP [added after it started]185 All Silt Strider Ports.esp [added after it started]186 Mashed Lists.esp187 MCAFix.ESP
Tips on which mods that I should troubleshoot would be appreciated.