I was just curious if anyone had ever attempted, or considered, optimizing the scripts from the original game? I think it crazy that the game still doesn't run well on hardware much faster than what the game was supposedly designed for.
I was just curious if anyone had ever attempted, or considered, optimizing the scripts from the original game? I think it crazy that the game still doesn't run well on hardware much faster than what the game was supposedly designed for.
I believe the Morrowind Patch Project does this, though I'm not sure. There are also many other issues that make Morrowind run slower, that won't be truely resolved until OpenMw comes out.
Huskobar made a great optimization.
Yes this! This thing here I would consider essential to any game. It reduces a ton of crashes. The only thing is that it needs a final bit of work on it. It fixes one script but because of that, something else breaks and the drunk guy from that bar in Solsthiem gets placed way out of position. Aside from that, I think I remember there being only 1 or 2 other minor problems. Eitherway, what it fixes far outweighs the 3-4 errors.
Drunk guy from Solsthiem bug was from Morrowind Patch v1.6.5. BTB fixed it.
Nice! Thanks, guys! I'm definitely going to give it a go! Any idea how much it breaks in-game? I read through the included documentation and Huskobar hints at some possible issues and mentions that it might not play nice with dialogue-centric mods.