Oops, yeah. Sorry - %x expects numeric data.
I guess %i should be updated to print whatever's in the ref variable without checking if it's valid.
:nod: and update the docs for the time being
Regarding the bug you linked to in the other thread: it's a vanilla issue. The game is kinda sloppy about resetting data for references in the current cell when reloading a game saved in that cell. You might want to rig something up with GetGameLoaded/GetGameRestarted if it interferes with the functioning of your mod.
Thanks indeed - I had no idea where to start debugging that one - it still doesn't make much sense - the reference is in my test cell and gets moved to the (exterior in that case) cell - why would it move the first and not the second time (load) ? - anyway I moved an actor and had him drop the book lol. Took some debugging goes without saying.
How about the second one - I drop my book in an exterior cell go into an interior reload and go to the exterior again - the book is nowhere to be seen. Is this a vanilla issue also ? Am I going crazy ?
Those things should be in the troubleshooting\common bugs - if you know anyone who qualifies :whistling:
I used in my quest script
set rCell to tomeAppr.getParentCellprintc "cell : %i" rCellif rCellprintc "rCell notzero"endif
and seems rCell is indeed zero when I drop the book in an exterior and call pcb from a linked interior - but maybe related to the disappearing book bug - the one that makes me wonder about my sanity. GetParentCell should return the exterior cell shouldn't it ?