function scriptFunction(returnType, callingConvention, FOSE, params, names, notes){ if (typeof returnType != "undefined") this.returnType = returnType; //Accepted values: //"ref" - FormID //"int" - Integer //"float" - Floating point value //"void" - No return value if (callingConvention in {"R": 1, "S": 1, "E": 1, "B" : 1, "D": 1}) this.callingConvention = callingConvention; //Accepted values: //"R" - Called on a reference //"S" - Reference function that should always be called implicitly //"E" - Called on reference or on base form specified as final parameter - FOSE functions only //"B" - Not called on a reference. A base form may be specified as a parameter //"D" - The function is deprecated and should not be called in any way if (typeof FOSE != "undefined") this.FOSE = FOSE; //The required version of FOSE //Use 0 for functions that don't require FOSE //Otherwise use (for example) 1.22 for 1.2 beta 2 if (typeof params != "undefined") this.params = params; //Should be an array of scriptFunctionParams if (typeof names != "undefined") { //The "names" parameter should be an object with all of the relevant properties used below this.docLink = names.docLink; =; this.shortName = names.shortName; this.longName = names.longName; } if (typeof notes != "undefined") this.notes = notes; //Should be an array of scriptFunctionNotes}function alias(functionDef) {return new scriptFunction(functionDef.returnType, functionDef.callingConvention, functionDef.FOSE, functionDef.params, {docLink: functionDef.docLink, name: functionDef.shortName, shortName: functionDef.shortName, longName: functionDef.longName}, functionDef.notes);}
dictionary.functions["setactorvalue"] = new scriptFunction("void", "R", 0, [new scriptFunctionParam("string", "StatName"), new scriptFunctionParam("float", "Value")], {docLink: "", name: "SetActorValue", shortName: "SetAV", longName: "SetActorValue"});dictionary.functions["setav"] = alias(dictionary.functions["setactorvalue"]);dictionary.functions["stopcombat"] = new scriptFunction("void", "R", 0, [], {docLink: "", name: "StopCombat"});dictionary.functions["getlineofsight"] = new scriptFunction("int", "R", 0, [new scriptFunctionParam("ref", "ObjectID")], {docLink: "", name: "GetLineOfSight", shortName: "GetLOS", longName: "GetLineOfSight"});dictionary.functions["getlos"] = alias(dictionary.functions["getlineofsight"]);dictionary.functions["scripteffectelapsedseconds"] = new scriptFunction("float", "B", 0, [], {docLink: "", name: "ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds"}, [new scriptFunctionNote( function(functionCall) {return script.inBlock.toLowerCase() != "scripteffectupdate";}, "\"ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds\" will only return a value greater than 0 inside a \"ScriptEffectUpdate\" block", 1)]);dictionary.functions["menumode"] = new scriptFunction("int", "B", 0, [new scriptFunctionParam("int", "Menu Number", true, {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 1001: 1, 1002: 1, 1003: 1, 1004: 1, 1007: 1, 1008: 1, 1009: 1, 1012: 1, 1013: 1, 1014: 1, 1016: 1, 1023: 1, 1027: 1, 1035: 1, 1036: 1, 1047: 1, 1048: 1, 1051: 1, 1053: 1, 1054: 1, 1055: 1, 1056: 1, 1057: 1, 1058: 1, 1059: 1, 1060: 1})], {docLink: "", name: "MenuMode"});
dictionary.functions["getissix"] = new scriptFunction("int", "R", 0, [new scriptFunctionParam("string", "six", false, {male: "Male", female: "Female"})], {docLink: "", name: "GetIssix"});