I'm trying to save this script and I can only guess that it's not compiling properly because I've been able to save a previous version of it. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.
scn JacGarrickSCRIPTshort HasBeenHiredshort CombatStyleRangedshort CombatStyleMeleeshort IsFollowingDefaultshort IsFollowingShortshort IsFollowingLongshort FollowerSwitchAggressive ; 0 = Passive (wait for player), 1 = Aggressive (attack when see enemy)short IsSneakshort followshort selfBegin OnLoad set self to GetSelf ;Set the Reference to what you placed this on. SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1 ;Does it ignore Friendly Hits? Default yes if ( CombatStyleMelee == 1 ) Self.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleMelee; endif if ( CombatStyleRanged == 1 ) Self.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged; endifEndBEGIN OnCombatEND if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) If ( GetHealthPercentage < 0.50 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV PerceptionCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV EnduranceCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV LeftAttackCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV RightAttackCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV LeftMobilityCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif If ( GetAV RightMobilityCondition == 0 && GetItemCount Stimpak >= 1 ) removeitem Stimpak 1 restoreAV EnduranceCondition 20 restoreAV PerceptionCondition 20 restoreAV LeftAttackCondition 20 restoreAV RightAttackCondition 20 restoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 20 restoreAV RightMobilityCondition 20 restoreAv Health 70 endif endifENDBegin GameMode if ( follow >= 1 ) If ( GetPlayerTeammate == 0 ) SetPlayerTeammate 1 endif endif If ( follow >= 1 && self.GetUnconscious == 0 && self.GetDead == 0 ) If ( Player.IsSneaking == 1 && IsSneak == 0 ) Set IsSneak to 1 evp elseif ( Player.IsSneaking == 0 && IsSneak == 1 ) Set IsSneak to 0 evp endif If ( Self.GetDistance Player >= 2500 ) If ( MQ04.PlayerInTL == 0 ) Self.MoveTo Player Endif Endif EndifEndBegin MenuMode If [ GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ] If [ IsTimePassing == 1 ] ResetHealth RestoreAV PerceptionCondition 100 RestoreAV EnduranceCondition 100 RestoreAV LeftAttackCondition 100 RestoreAV LeftMobilityCondition 100 RestoreAV RightAttackCondition 100 RestoreAV RightMobilityCondition 100 Endif EndifEnd