So the users of seem to be having this problem (from what I can tell, only on loading a current save game - not new - where they already own a horse):
Yet it works perfectly for me. I'm using SkyUILib to do this, and these are my scripts (one renames the horse when you press a hotkey, the other is the MCM):
Scriptname NYHControlScript extends Quest {Governs all horse naming-related functions.}Keyword Property HorseKeyword Auto Message Property RenameHorse Auto Faction Property PlayerHorseFaction AutoGlobalVariable Property HorseRenameKey Auto GlobalVariable Property NYHHotkeyToggle Auto ReferenceAlias Property PlayerHorseAlias AutoEvent OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) If KeyCode == HorseRenameKey.GetValueInt() && NYHHotkeyToggle.GetValueInt() == 1 If !Utility.IsInMenuMode() If Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef().HasKeyword(HorseKeyword) && (Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor).IsInFaction(PlayerHorseFaction) Actor PlayerHorse = (Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor) String HorseName = ((Self as Form) as UILIB_1).ShowTextInput("Change Horse Name", "") If HorseName != "" PlayerHorseAlias.Clear() PlayerHorseAlias.ForceRefTo(PlayerHorse) PlayerHorse.SetDisplayName(HorseName) RenameHorse.Show() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIfEndEventFunction RegisterForNYHHotkey(Bool UnregisterNYH = false) If !UnregisterNYH RegisterForKey(HorseRenameKey.GetValueInt()) Else UnregisterForAllKeys() EndIfEndFunction
Scriptname NYHMCM extends SKI_ConfigBase ;Variables;==========GlobalVariable Property NYHHotkey AutoGlobalVariable Property NYHToggle Auto NYHControlScript Property ControlScr Auto ;Events;=======Event OnConfigInit() ControlScr.RegisterForNYHHotkey()EndEventEvent OnConfigClose() ControlScr.RegisterForNYHHotkey(true) ControlScr.RegisterForNYHHotkey()EndEventEvent OnPageReset(string a_page) If a_page == "" LoadCustomContent("NameYourHorse/", 60.5, 72.0) Else UnloadCustomContent() EndIf If a_page == "Customization" SetCursorFillMode(TOP_TO_BOTTOM) AddKeyMapOptionST("NYHHotkeyState", "NYH Hotkey", NYHHotkey.GetValueInt()) AddToggleOptionST("NYHToggleState", "Toggle NYH Hotkey", NYHToggle.GetValueInt()) EndIfEndEvent;Name Your Horse Hotkey State;=============================State NYHHotkeyStateEvent OnHighlightST() SetInfoText("Change the Name Your Horse hotkey.\n Default is U") EndEventEvent OnKeyMapChangeST(Int newKeyCode, String conflictControl, String conflictName) Bool ContinueNYH = true If (conflictControl != "") String NYHHotkeyMsg If (conflictName != "") NYHHotkeyMsg = "This key is already mapped to:\n\"" + conflictControl + "\"\n(" + conflictName + ")\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?" Else NYHHotkeyMsg = "This key is already mapped to:\n\"" + conflictControl + "\"\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?" EndIf ContinueNYH = ShowMessage(NYHHotkeyMsg, true, "$Yes", "$No") EndIf If (ContinueNYH) NYHHotkey.SetValueInt(newKeyCode) SetKeymapOptionValueST(NYHHotkey.GetValueInt()) EndIfEndEventEvent OnDefaultST() NYHHotkey.SetValueInt(22) SetKeyMapOptionValueST(NYHHotkey.GetValueInt())EndEventEndState;Toggle NYH Hotkey State;========================State NYHToggleStateEvent OnSelectST() If NYHToggle.GetValueInt() == 1 NYHToggle.SetValueInt(0) Else NYHToggle.SetValueInt(1) EndIfEndEventEvent OnDefaultST() NYHToggle.SetValueInt(1)EndEventEvent OnHighlightST() SetInfoText("Activate or deactivate the NYH hotkey.")EndEventEndState
I really have no idea what might be wrong. Can anyone be of help?