1. activates a container
2. scans any and all items in the container as they are placed in it
3. deletes the item
4. replaces deleted item in container with new items of the same type.
5. flags item as stolen
6. anything flagged as stolen that you pick up, instead of going into your inventory goes into the container, adding the weight of the item to the weight of the container
this way it still has the encumbrance of the items and isnt a bag of holding.
7. taking items out of the container will subtract its weight from the container
the container will be flagged as NOT belonging to the player, so anything taken out of it will be flagged as stolen. in case number 5 cant be done.
I am trying to get rid of a stacking error due to ownership conflict from different mods that seems to cause my game to crash periodically, and causes items to vanish in my inventory.
is all of this doable, and could I get a bit of help with it?
I believe it just takes an activator, an activator script or quest script. a script to scan items as they go in and replace them and a part to add and subtract weight to the container in order to maintain the encumbrance.