I scripted a number of monologues for a character a few months ago. I then decided to re-start the whole thing from scratch using different voices and a new story line. However having taken a month or so of a break I have come back to do machinima for Oblivion and Ive forgotten the basics of what I did last time. Yes rather silly, but there we are.
I have several characters who will do monologues to an audience etc. Each has several lines and I previously used a timer to delay the next speech to allow the first line to finish etc.
This is the only scrap of the script I have left over:
scn aamovietalking
float timer
float fquestdelaytime
begin gameMode
if Getdistance player <300
set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
if ( timer < 10 )
set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed
sayto player , AMESmovA
set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
if ( timer < 10 )
set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed
set AAmovie.movtalkstage to AAmovie.movtalkstage + 1
set timer to 0
As you can tell I am running the speech from a quest with the monologue called AMESmovA. There is a check on each line of the monologue in the Conversation tab to check movtalkstage.
However I now cant remember how I set this bit up: AAmovie.movtalkstage
AAmovie? Was that a global variable? movtalkstage? I cant remember where I defined this one.
Its probably extremely simple. Help