Oh well, people will just have to deal with two Ntom posts floating around, it's not going to kill anyone, so i think everything will be okay. Anyways, I just recently remembered there was a mod I use to work on that fortunately I was able to save before wiping my comp...well...accidentally saved it. I uploaded a "beta" version of it on tesnexus and I just redownloaded it. I think, instead of working on the merchant (which I will work on afterwards) I would like to first finish this mod.
There is a puzzle I made...or want to make...that requires a bit of scripting, and I honestly have no idea how to script, and I have tried learning but I felt like I was trying to read a different language, rather than english explaining to me how to script.
So I was wondering if anyone would mind offering a hand on how to script this puzzle. I will record a bit of a video showing exactly how I want it to happen if you want to have a little more detail.