I made a quest which involves the player looking for and amulet and returning it to the quest giver. I put a script on this amulet, based on the one in the tutorial by Skydiver ( http://www.themcnews.com/Script.htm ). Now my problem is, if the player finds the amulet before receiving the quest, it will update to the journal entry saying he has found the amulet and should return it.
While I think the quest can be completed anyway (haven't tested), it messes up the context/consistency/reality of the quest, of course.
What can I do to avoid this problem? Add more to the script so it only updates when the quest is active? (If so, will it automatically update if the amulet has been picked up and is in the players inventory when receiving the quest?)
Delete the journal update entry script on the amulet? (Might be easiest)
Or make a script that adds the amulet to the game only after the quest has started?
Thanks for any help