Scripting Question - temporarily replacing crafting station

Post » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:02 pm

I haven't touched scripts in Skyrim at all, though I did do some script work for Oblivion and Fallout NV.

I'm wondering A, if this is possible; and B, how much of a learning curve/time investment would be needed for pretty much a rookie...

I want to add an activate option (which I know can be done through perks) to the alchemy lab, giving the option to either mix potions or prepare ingredients. If the latter is chosen, the alchemy lab furniture object would be replaced with one that uses the same model but creates objects instead of potions, so I can add constructible objects, and then replaces the original lab object when done.

If someone knows it's not possible, then that would save me a lot of work. If someone knows that it *is* possible, I'd be grateful for any input - even just "Yes, that's possible" and whether or not it would need SKSE would be great.

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Richard Dixon
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