I want to add a slight increase to the speechcraft skill whenever i read a book.
1) Besides adding a script to every book, is there a more efficient way to handle this? aside from hijacking a vanilla script?
(I'm using the bookcovers mod with the extension plugin that adds all the earlier TES books; so lots of books)
2) i'm a little confused on whether i should modify the base actor value or the current actor value; these aren't really explained well in the creationkit.com;
ideally i want a constant increment on every book that's read. so something like,
(site doesn't like my code; click on link)
3) finally, how does the game handle doOnce out of local scope? is it like a static variable? i.e.,
will the game keep track of whether or not I've read a certain book by checking the variable? or does the psuedo-global / class level variable reset every time the game restarts?
for example:
int doOnce
Event OnRead
doOnce = 1