Scripting some ghostly encounters

Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:48 pm

OK, so I'm building a haunted mine and I'm hoping I can figure out how to so something similar to this:

Kill a bad guy, and when he dies his ghost rises from the corpse to serve as a second enemy. So, how do I do it?

Obviously, the ghost would have to be enabled in the same position (or very close) as the corpse. And if possible, it would be cool to have some sort of a swirl effect like when a necromancer reanimates the dead that was around the corpse so it looks like the spirit is rising from the body. If possible, I'd like to leave the body where it is, but if this is really, really difficult to do, a simple resurrect and apply the FX to the dead guy could be a last resort.

I'm totally in uncharted waters here, as I've never attempted to do anything near this complex. But if I can get through the first one and get it working like I'd like, I think I can use the same sort of procedure for the others I want to do this way.

My suspicion from my limited knowledge is that I'd have to get the XYZ position of the corpse and place the spirit at it, apply the effect and go from there, but again, I'm totally lost so that could be completely wrong.

I have a quest set up ready for aliases, and I've got the first stage done. It's a giant spider, and I lave the OnDeath script working at least to set the quest stage and that quest stage applies an ISM and plays a spooky sound. That works great so far, but that is as far as I have gotten.

EDIT: Also, I'd like the ghost to look like a ghost. It doesn't necessarily have to be the lavender type ghosts, but I'd at least like some transparency and some sort of shader effect on them.

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:05 am

Check out, seems like a good starting point

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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:01 am

That's what happens with Malkoran, the boss of the Break of Dawn quest. You kill him and his "shade" spawns at his corpse.

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hannah sillery
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