i'm thinking of placing invisible activators at the waypoints that are scripted to do the change in state with a getdistance check. if i attach a script to such an activator that had a script like this on it -
short tempstateset tempstate to RAK_ilmm_patrol_leader.stateif ( getdistance, "RAK_NPCNAMEHERE" <= 25 ) set RAK_ilmm_patrol_leader.state to ( tempstate + 1 ) disable returnendif
that would basically work around the getaipackagedone wonkyness and make the NPC start moving to the next set of coordinates, right? if i cant remotely change the variable in patrol_leader like that (i forget the exact rules right now, dont have MWSFD open in front of me at the moment) i'll just transfer the information in a global.