I understand your position on the subject, and you're right to a degree. But, the same thing can be said for using mods, to give a player an edge. Console users don't have the luxury of mods. If it's used in moderation, I cant see that much of a problem with it. Like gaining money in the start, to upgrade a DLC, like the Spire or the Vile lair.
Hopefully everybody understands that I'm playing here. The smilies were there for a reason. It's your game, and your fun, and you should play it the way that makes your fun the best it can be.
I just like to poke fun at contradictions.

Edit: Yeah, I agree with you about the mod thing. I tend to use mods that improve appearance, that fix inconsistencies in the game, and that allow better role play. I use a leveling mod that removes my control over the process completely. I use an alternate start mod, so I don't have to deal with the prison thing. I use a bag of holding, but only for mages. I make my own little mods to put things into the world that are specific to the characters I'm playing.
I dislike mods that add imbalancing super advantages to the player.