1. Modded Skyrim for added depth ?
2. Pff that′s nonsense, you can do whatever you set your mind to! And after that you can enjoy being able to turn faster than any console will ever let you, or aim with a bow faster and with more accuracy and ofc use the in-game-console.
Anyway you may see some bugs but I doubt there will be any intentional bugs.
1. didnt i just mention all i would want is TES and FO? lol
2. thats one thing i dont like about it, on COD my sensitivity never goes over 7, and unless im sniping (you turn slower in a scope) i usually turn at maybe 4 or 5 speed. i wanna turn at a relaistic speed.
im very accurate as it is. anything more would just be unfair to the npc's
"you can do whatever you set your mind to"
oh, c'mon now. everyone knows thats a load of crap.