Journeyman Perk is not so easy. I had to hack the actual three scripts that are the middle point between any given pressure plate / tripwire and the trap action they are associated with and force them to return out before activating if the player was sneaking/not-running/Journeyman+. If you can figure out another way to do THAT, I will put the three bow down animated icons in your honor.
Option 1: SetScript. You'd have to test it carefully because there's a distinct chance this won't work (fiddly stuff about whether or not the game engine updates variable lists), but there's also a distinct chance it will. The most sensitive situation would be if the player loads a game immediately after launching Oblivion which is in a cell containing a trap; so if you try this, test that.
First, take your modified scripts and save them as new forms. I've assumed you'll name them the same thing with 'sdr' prefixed. During your initialization:
ref trapif eval IsModLoaded "Oblivion.esm" let trap := GetFormFromMod "Oblivion.esm" "05325D" ; CTrigPressurePlate01 SetScript sdrCTrigPressurePlate01SCRIPT trap let trap := GetFormFromMod "Oblivion.esm" "04CAD9" ; CTrigTripwire01 SetScript sdrCTrigTripwire01SCRIPT trap let trap := GetFormFromMod "Oblivion.esm" "01609E" ; RFTrigPressurePlate01 SetScript sdrRFTrigPressurePlate01SCRIPT trapendif
The other option is to just put those edited scripts in a separate esp. Since this patch esp contains no new forms, it can go in the Bashed Patch and not eat a slot. It doesn't even rely on anything in the main SDR... you could almost release that as a stand-alone mod.

More importantly, you could have separate versions for Oblivion and Nehrim (assuming it's relevant for the latter). Then your main esp is masterless, and your content-specific features are in obvious places should they need updating.