Setting: isolated area in woods, 'Matchida Star' sitting in front of camp fire with his dog eating a squirrel on a stick, suddenly a 'Kido' shows up all exited to tell the news...
ps: there is 'Azura' tribe near by
Rules: you can interact with the main character or npc: Kid, create your own story that ties with the main plot. Try to keep killing to the minimum, especially between each other. Technology is not allowed until area 51 is found,
Right now allowed to make a melee weapons to start, keep it closer to basic, tribe war type of weapons like spear or bow. Special melee weapons like sledge hammer and katana allowed.
name- any name works
age- anything goes but be reasonable
race- any
description- the more the better
history- more, more
perk- for now pick one perk, until level up

starting equipment- keep it very simple, remember its just a tribe
My Character:
name- Matchida Star
age- 28
race- Euro Asian
description- skinny, tall, tattoo on a neck of dying dolphin, dual piercing in right and left ear, in a nose, in eyebrows, scar on left chick, red hair mixed with black, punk style haircut, inclined towards evil but friendly towards his own kind and women.
profession- Tribe Warrior
history- his parents only got enough money to put him in the vault, they died in nuclear fallout when he was only 8, he got exiled from the vault at 18 for constantly braking laws and refusing to accept regulations, rebellious type of character, however, before leaving vault sentinel told him that if he wants to do at least some good for vault society he should head to vault 51 to find out what had happened there, (there was distress, S.O.S. signal was send to all near by vaults from there) so he has a location info on a map but he never went there... He joined the Azura tribe instead and been in it for 10 years since.
Etxra info- Tribe info- this is average tribe which grows its own food and fights only in order to protect their territory, population: dozen of people or so.
perk: team-player: (fights better, does more dmg when on a team)
equipment- machete, chain, bowling ball #8, x5 - squirrel on a stick, dirty water
name- Kido
age- 11
race- Euro
description- chubby little kid with curly dark hair, who is very emotional and cries a lot.
history- little kid who look up to become like Matchida one day, (too bad Matchida keeps on ignoring him) or pays little attention
equipment- knife, scrap metal, toy car, 20 caps
Kid shows up in front of Matchida all excited about something.
Kid: "Matchida, Matchida, Matchida!"
Matchida: "Kido I know my name pretty well, what do you want!"
K: "Look I found something really valuable to you, I am willing to trade it for that delicious squirrel you cooked"
M: "Its better be worth it, in fact, you just interrupted my meal and I am kind of pieced off at you!"
kid looks away sadly,
M: "alright, here, take a bite"
K: "ummm, delicious squirrel, allright its about 28 miles from here to the North, beside the abandon light house, there is a a person wearing Vault suit, I think 'Gatanamo' tribe got him."
M: 'dam, I should of not waste my food on you Kido, you are useless as usuall!'
Kido starts crying and runs away...
Matchida thinks about it for a moment and decides it would be suicidal to go there by himself after all lighthouse is deep in 'Gatanamo' tribe territory...
(okie waitting for more people now to join the exciting adventure to 'Gatanamo' tribe, chapter 1 type of thing!)