Now a new style up on the new version. Hopefully better

Original Post:
I like the clean look of ES Search 2 (first style), however:
* it's not clear on the ES Search 2 page that clicking the mod links will give details in the right hand box.
* there's no indication in the details box as to which mod the info is for - either indicating the selected mod on the left, or adding the mod name to the details box should correct that (would be cleaner to indicate the mod on the left methinks).
* it's also not clear that clicking the site link bar below the details box will change the details display to that of the site - was expecting to go directly to the site, so currently people might be avoiding it for the same reason and miss out on the info.
Thanks for the good feedback. Given the issues you pointed out, it may be easier to go with a style like ES Seach 1 as it mirrors the styles of other search engines like google and yahoo, which would mean that people don't have to spend the first minute working out how to use it. (The old thing about an interface shouldn't have to be learned but rather it should be intuitive). At a later date I may see if I can have a interface switcher or something similar.
How are you determining the order of mods? Maybe add options to sort the list alphabetically or by relevance.
I am not sure how easy it is to do alphabetically or how useful it would be. However my local version now hasa 'score' beside every result to make it more clear as to the order.
What determines the default site link for the details? Could a filter be set for a user's favorite site from amongst the available locations returned?
The online version it is random, on my local version is tries to guess the highest version and will link to that. The downside is that sites where the version cannot be retrieved (yacoby.silgrad.com for instance) will never get a direct link when competing with a site that does list versions.
* how about adding the recent search links in the upper right similar to what is presented in the second style?
Defiantly on the to do list as a significant amount of people have said they like it. Logging of data like that isn't implemented at the moment, so it needs a bit of work to put together.
* add the 'Average Rating' (like what is returned in the ES Search details page) for the relevant mod above the details box.
I don't index the ratings anymore for the following reasons:
[1] they are a useless metric (It doesn't say why it has a low or high rating)
[2] It means more work putting a parser together
[3] not enough sites have ratings to make them worth anything