by Arthmoor. This is the newest entry in the Rebuild Sutch Contest. Arthmoor is famaous for his top-quality village mods (among many other things) and this one is probably my favorite. by Biulding3015. This one is probably the most well-known. The drawback to this mod is that it requires a boatload of Dragon Captions resources that need to be installed first. The upside is that if you plan to run any other Dragon Caption mods you already have the resources installed. by SilentResident. The ImpeREAL Cities series is a well-respected series of mods. Unfortunately, this one is no longer being worked on. Fortunately, another modder has recently taken the project over.
Pseron can always be counted on

It didn′t say on the page, does Sutch Village use OBSE and are the NPC:s voice acted? I′m a bit picky as you know

I've not (yet???) added a Sutch mod to my Oblivion Installation, so can't offer first-hand insight on any of 'em. I suspect there are more than the three linked above. I seem to recall that Dragon Captions was a one time working on quite a few Sutch-based mods. Not sure on the status of those. DC has its own forums so rarely interfaces here.
To my knowledge no Sutch mod utilizes voice acting. Arthmoor's certainly won't ...none of his other village mods do. (I use several of them.) Nor do any of the ImpREAL Empire mods I run utilize voice. If any use voice it would be Dragon Captions, since at one time they were loosely associated with he-who-is-not-named, who generally DOES voice his mods.
Arthmoor's Sutch is a village. ImpREAL Empire Sutch is a walled city if memory serves. The DC Sutch I am most familiar with is/was a full-size city. It might also have been an "open" city...though later versions might have closed it?