And some of us have patience to wait until it's half of that. Just have to wait couple of years.
Well, i'm not unreasonable, i'll buy it when it costs as much as the DLCs worth their price it includes, which as of now incidentally is 15€

Okay let me rephrase it. We don't get good games on sales unless they are a few years old.
Everyone loses when a season pass is bought. I learned my lesson when I bought the season pass for Arkham Knight.
Same here, I pre-ordered the Season Pass when it became available, since I knew I would want to get all the extra content for Fallout 4. Those of us who bought early were rewarded with even more value than we expected at time of purchase. Everyone else was given a final opportunity to get it cheap when they announce more content. If people didn't buy it then, they can wait and eventually get it cheap in the next year or two, or just skip it.
Personally, I'm happy with the amount of content added by Automatron, and I have no regrets about purchasing the pass.
Automatron is what it is ... a decent DLC that adds some fun mechanics to the game. Whether it's worth ten dollars to any given individual has more to do with how much the individual values the ten dollars than it does the DLC. To some people, ten dollars is a cup of coffee. To other people, ten dollars means sacrificing something else that they would spend the money on instead. If ten dollars is too high a price tag for them, then they probably shouldn't buy it.
The DLC doesn't have an objective value. It's value has to be weighed against the value of what you would pay for it.
Dude, give it a rest.
Oh, and: FO3's DLC, total, was $50. Seems pretty close to the price of the full game, too. New Vegas's were $46. Skyrim, $45.
Heck, let's go back to the "glory days" before The Evil DLC. Diablo 2 was $50, and the expansion was $40. Almost the same price as the full game! Gasp!
Eh, I was quite happy with the season passes I've gotten. Borderlands 2, Bioshock:Infinite.... of course, I dodged a bullet by not getting the Borderlands:Pre-Sequel pass...
And I'm sure I was going to own all the FO4 DLC, eventually (I ended up getting everything for FO3 and NV, even if I had to re-buy a "goty" copy), if only to support the mods I'll want to use.
Okay, normally I don't comment on people's personal opinions, but...
Where the hell did you get the idea that "narrative driven games are dead"? That's a pretty big assumption. And, okay, so it seems you don't like the games/series you mentioned (based on how you are speaking about them), but there's no reason to drag them into a conversation about FO4 Season Pass. Seriously, if you can't say anything nice...
Again, if you can't say anything nice... You sure like to rip FO4 apart. If I didn't like something, I would keep myself to forums of games I DO like as opposed to talking smack about people who DO like something. I've had enough with this kind of attitude, and it does NOT contribute to a good conversation.
We can all agree to disagree on things, but consistently saying negative things about a whole game is not productive, nor is attacking other people's opinions. Where the hell is the civility? And please, no one give me the excuse that "it's the internet".
Sorry, but I finally had to say something because these attitudes really get on my nerves.
That won't solve anything. The Quantity of Quality people will rail if it is 3. The Quality over Quantity people will rail if it is 6.
The number of DLCs is inconsequential; what they offer is far more important.
I bought the season pass long before the price hike. I am also very disappointed in the DLC. To me this is really the equivalent of Hearthfire. Two new locations, 5 quests(and I'm being generous including the brights), a couple of unique weapons, and the ability to create robots. It's a mini DLC and that's it. I've drank the Bethesda Koolaid long ago and will always purchase what they have out. Working on the robots is fun but I'm not going to sit here and blindly follow and say omg this is amazing, one of the best DLC's ever. It's not. Not even close.
The cash grab is going to follow this one for a while. Raise season pass price, release tiny DLC, enrage people silly enough not to get the pass when it was the original price. Wash, rinse, repeat with any other DLC that takes less than 3 hours to go through.
The time has come for me to write the two words that end all rational discussion on any topic concerning value and DLC:
Haha, yeah.
FO4 DLCs are definitely not the worst out there.
But we want them to be the best if possible.
I hope FO4 DLCs are so amazing... I want to see FO4 winning Game of the year awards in 2016 as well. lol
Look dude.....seriously read this post and take heeds to my words.
You purchased Fallout 4 because you wanted to play it. Fallout 4 didn't come with Automatron. That was extra.
You purchase Automatron because you want extra. The game developer gets to charge what they want dude.
How many people worked on Automatron? Lets say 5 people wrote and/or worked on the DLC. 5 people x 40 hours x around $40 an hour (based off of average game developer salary)
Lets say that 3 months of work went into Automatron. Design, writing, voice acting, the cost of recording and mixing it down into viable game audio.
5 people x 16 weeks @ 40 hours a week x $40 an hour = $128,000
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS plus recording costs and other costs we don't know about, to sell you a DLC for $10 that they didn't have to do but they wanted too because folks need to work, folks need to get paid and Bethesda actually gives a crap about its product and its gaming community.
So in a rare moment where I am going to be rude....shut up, you whiny ass little baby.
Aaand we which that moment when we start taking this a little too seriously and getting personal
You realize over 12 million copies were sold at/around launch right? Let's pretend for a minute half of those copies just buy the DLC as a standalone. So 6 million copies. Multiple that by ten. Hmm my math could be wrong but that would mean Bethesda stands to net a cool 60 million dollars.
If you want to justify you reason for shouting people down, don't use numbers that clearly show a massive financial benefit from the release of the DLC. You should have stopped your post after the "the game developer gets to charge what they want dude."