For those with no self control when it comes to Fallout, you can now go and pre-spend your hard-earned bucks.
For those with no self control when it comes to Fallout, you can now go and pre-spend your hard-earned bucks.
Also available on Xbox. Saw it last night but managed to exercise restraint and not order.
Self what? Sorry I was too busy doing something in my Steam Cart.
Jeez. We're really getting close to launch now. The weathers getting colder, its not summer anymore, we're getting into the wintry months of snow and Fallout 4.
I'm not sure if i'll pick up the season pass just yet. But its a given that ill be buying the DLC someway.
People lapping up the cut content pass.
Can't say i'm surprised.
I'll be back to offer a slow clap when you pay $40 for the DLC
That's quite the accusation, I've heard other devs have withheld content then called it dlc, but has Bethesda ever done it?
IIRC they've stated categorically that they haven't started work on the F4 dlc yet...
Behold! What has your $30 brungeth you!
*reveals an empty box*
For starters, every awesome mod that's going to be made for Fallout 4. They will all eventually require you to have all the DLC, and that's plenty of reason for me to make sure I get it at the best price possible. Based on Skyrim, I'm fairly confident that the mods alone will be worth more to me than the DLC.
I will not pick it up until I see what the first DLC even is. If Bethesda sticks to the 4 DLC in fallout model that the last two games had I will pick it up.
I was intending to wait until closer to DLC details/release, but the cost is trivial, and there's no way I wouldn't be buying it anyway (come on, it's Fallout), so I went ahead and added it to my Steam library.
If this were day 1 dlc I'd be with you.
I see no evidence one way or the other to suggest that any dlc was already programmed. So I'll reserve judgement.
That said I think it's pretty assumptive to buy a season pass for DLC at this point.
The way I see it F4 could be a complete flop. I don't expect it to be, but for any reason it could be a big turd, maybe the story is crap, maybe it's glitchy as all get out, maybe my video card refuses to run it, maybe my computer dies.
Either way I'll probly wait to buy anything additional until I've played the game for 30 hours. Then I'll probly go for a season pass.
But buying it now seems like counting chickens before they've hatched.
According to steam, it unlocks on March 2016. So...first DLC then I guess?
Odd question, but how exactly does a season pass like this work? Do they eventually stop selling the pass, and make folks buy the individual dlc?
Probably just a place holder date for now since Beth hasn't officially announced the Season Pass for PC.
Depends. They might still sell the pass, but also sell the DLC piecemeal (which they will also surely do) so you can get it all or just get what you want for less money. There will also eventually be a GOTY Edition that will come with all the DLC, but that's a long ways away.
Some games did this when season passes first started--they were pre-order only, to push you to buy in advance to get the deal. These days, it seems like the pass typically remains available to purchase for the life of the game. I guess publishers realized that it's still in their interest to offer a package deal after the individual DLCs become available.
Prior to this one, the only season passes I've ever bought were long after release when I could pick up all the DLC for a few bucks in a Steam sale (sometimes also sold as GOTY upgrades).
Ah, I thought it might have been like that.. Would have pre-ordered it today, but I just pre-ordered that darn rising tide expansion to beyond earth. Yeah, I know that game was lackluster, but it will keep me occupied until November, hopefully.
I don't see why they'd remove season pass after all DLCs are released. It's a great way to get a nice package deal. Hell, people keep buying Skyrim Legendary Edition instead of separate DLCs because it's the best package deal.
And you have concrete evidence Fallout 4 DLCs are cut from the game prior its release?
We think this is probably a good deal. Unless of course only one DLC is released.. He does not think this is likely though.
Well, Bethesda said all the DLC would be worth at least $40, so I'm willing to give it a go and take them on their word. If it doesn't work out, well, $30 isn't a huge hit on the ol' budget.
Now only if Sony will follow suit and make it available for purchase...