You do now that up North the days become shorter in winter? If you really want realistic seasons, you would have only 4 hours of daylight versus 20 hours of night. Seasons in Skyrim, no thanks. :tongue:
Yup, I'd want that. Most definately:
* Season based beastiary.
* Animals in different pelts.
* Plan your vampirism according to season.
* Rent a room for a prolonged time to sleep/rest a month at a time.
* Snow could slow you down.
* Ice could have, well, interesting physics - Bambi style
* Start at mid spring, and experience *longer* daylight too.
* During summer, the "sun" that never sets.
* Holidays.
* Certain quests only during certain seasons, or holiday based quests.
* Open quests which you start, only to find out you can't proceed due snow blocking way.
* Doesn't have to be 4-20 either, maybe 8-16 rather than 12-12? Doesn't make *that* much of a difference.
* Travel services could be made available or unavailable based on seasons (and even weather).
Daggerfall had seasons, and I believe it even had season based music. Can be a mis memory though, long long time...
Not sure if it had varying sunlight, but it did the trick at the time.
Arma2 has proper seasons, and you can even override latitude (via mod) which affects things. Why not here?
I mean, it just adds soooo much immersion. Dark? That's why we have torches