20 sec respawns?

Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:12 am

Wave spawns are best at the 20 second mark, and for a team-focused game like Brink, I think they're the better option.

Non-wave spawns should have a much shorter (5 - 10 second) delay.

I voted 20 sec Wave, because I'm fairly confident that it will work on the context of the game.
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KU Fint
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:47 am

I don't think any of you truely appreciate how long 20 seconds it. Truthfully it shoulr be abot 5-8 second long indivdual spawns.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:30 am

I don't think any of you truely appreciate how long 20 seconds it. Truthfully it shoulr be abot 5-8 second long indivdual spawns.

I've sat through many 20 second respawns, as well as many very very long nonrespawn waits, and I think a 20 second respawn in wave is likely to be the best choice if what they're trying to do is promote team tactical play.

I won't be able to say for sure until I see how long it takes to complete an objective and traverse the map, but if your team gets wiped out and you don't have a medic, you're going to get punished.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:27 am

I don't think any of you truely appreciate how long 20 seconds it. Truthfully it shoulr be abot 5-8 second long indivdual spawns.

Certainly not. I think that if everyone got individual spawns everyone would be too spread apart instead of going in together when they die. I would be happier to spawn with my team instead of spawning by myself. Besides 5-8 seconds doesn't leave that much time for medics to get to a downed player, making them less effective
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naome duncan
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:40 am

I'm really hoping there will be some way to check the wave timer while your playing, that way when I'm getting shot at I can hold out until the last few seconds.

You see the timer while you're incapacitated.

I don't think any of you truely appreciate how long 20 seconds it. Truthfully it shoulr be abot 5-8 second long indivdual spawns.

20 seconds is alright.

You rarely ever wait the full 20 seconds; if you do not chose to wait for a medic. Then you could wait for 30.
(For the record: I played the expo-demo, I do know what I am talking about.)
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:33 am

Certainly not. I think that if everyone got individual spawns everyone would be too spread apart instead of going in together when they die. I would be happier to spawn with my team instead of spawning by myself. Besides 5-8 seconds doesn't leave that much time for medics to get to a downed player, making them less effective

Thats all well and good but I'm looking at the reality of the situation. Brink maybe idealize as a team based shooter, but so was Bad Company and a few others if too early for me to rememeber but I know what those games turn into. I've heard the computer set up is a little different, I'm not sure why but for consoles there is this basic drive that people become lone wolves almost by habit.

There are a few that cooperate like they're suppose to and these teams usually excel exponentially but for 75% of the time, people are running amuch doing what they want. Just last night I was playing MoH(I say again I;m chasing achievment, nothing more) and I saw this break down. Men were crossing open ground and getting mowed down one by one. With a litte creative taunting I finally got them to cross in bulk, some died some didn't but the true traesty is when we got to the objective...no less then 6 guys were trying to arm it at the same time! I arrived in the last of the pile and turn to give what cover I could only to see the entire enemy team role in and mow us down in what can olny be described as the second valentines day massacare.

Everyone is out for themselves 3 outta 4 times. Creating "wave" spawns that are so drawn out wont fix this. Itll just cus whoever is directly in front of them to be walked over as they spread out to do their own thing again.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:50 am

Everyone is out for themselves 3 outta 4 times. Creating "wave" spawns that are so drawn out wont fix this. Itll just cus whoever is directly in front of them to be walked over as they spread out to do their own thing again.

It certainly won't work if people want to believe it doesn't and instead try to "fix" things which are causing their way of thinking.

If your MoH-Teammates had to wait a possible 20 seconds for respawn, they certainly wouldn't run into an open field blindly. But no, you think the only fix to this is to bury your head in the sand.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:55 am

I've sat through many 20 second respawns, as well as many very very long nonrespawn waits, and I think a 20 second respawn in wave is likely to be the best choice if what they're trying to do is promote team tactical play.

I won't be able to say for sure until I see how long it takes to complete an objective and traverse the map, but if your team gets wiped out and you don't have a medic, you're going to get punished.

Pretty much how I feel about it. Chances are you won't even been forced to wait the entire 20 seconds most of the time - more like 10-15.

It also means deciding whether you want to respawn or wait for medic is a more important decision, because it can be the difference between waiting 5 seconds, or 25.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:31 am

the 20 wave spawn is fine. i fell like it'll match the game perfectly. but im patient, some people may not be. specially on consoles.

Finding a patient person is more rare than a Holographic 1st Edition Charizard.. Which is depressing
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:03 pm

It certainly won't work if people want to believe it doesn't and instead try to "fix" things which are causing their way of thinking.

If your MoH-Teammates had to wait a possible 20 seconds for respawn, they certainly wouldn't run into an open field blindly. But no, you think the only fix to this is to bury your head in the sand.

No, I simply know human nature...what you're saying is we should force people to do this or that and that will change them...it won't. Its psychologically a "bad thing" to push action based on negative re-enforcement cus you'll only get negative feedback in the end. I mean, its basic psychology. Forcing people to wait 20 seconds to stimulate teamwork is not going to work. It will to a small degree granted but ultimately what needs to be done is positive re-enforcement of a positive action. And frankly if you're going to get snappy, if you would have actually read what I said I didn't purpose a solution at all, just said that people are a certain way and no amount of force is going to change that.

If that was the case we would have realized War isn't the answer a long time ago.

Creating such abilites as medics and ammo distrubutors IS however a positive way to push teamwork functionality. We need more of that if you want to coerce this "crucial" role of teamwork you all keep preaching about.

Now if you're supporting the idea that if you're dead you have to wait longer instead of just waiting for a medic, fine, but 20 seconds is a bit much.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:33 am

Finding a patient person is more rare than a Holographic 1st Edition Charizard.. Which is depressing

Really o-o??? I have like six of them.

I use to collect pokemon cards when they first came out....before all this color junk and the 151+ pokemon. lol, I think I was back in elementary school then XD. Man, maybe I should start looking into selling those...theyre in a binder in the attic.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:07 am

The 20 second respawn waves are perfectly fine. If you lack the patience to wait not even 20 seconds (most of the time, sometimes you might just die at a bad time) I suggest you go find a different game, or if you don't want to do that, just svck it up and deal with it.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:47 am

I agree 20sec spawns are good because it promotes more team oriented gameplay. People who like to lonewolf will have even more of a reason to stay with there team (even though getting more xp for doing that is already in place). Longer spawn times makes the Medic class more valuable at its role and makes people play more as a team instead of doing there own thing it is a win win situation in my book.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:37 am

I think you're missing the point when you say 20 seconds is too long.

You're VERY RARELY going to be actually waiting for 20 seconds with a 20 second wave spawn.

20 second waves means your average wait time will actually be 10 seconds, which is a pretty reasonable time between death and respawn.

20 seconds is the MAXIMUM, but it's possible that you're going to die, and respawn IMMEDIATELY.

If there's a respawn timer visible when you're incapped (and it's already been said in this thread that there will be), then you have more knowledge ahead of time about what's going to happen. You can look at the timer and see "5 seconds to respawn - I'm not going to see a medic before that" and bleed out to get into the game faster. If two of your teammates get incapped next to you, and the timer's at 15 seconds or more, bleed out, it should encourage your teammates to do the same, then when you respawn, you'll be coming back to life with friends (or at least meatshields) nearby.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:40 am

No, I simply know human nature...what you're saying is we should force people to do this or that and that will change them...it won't. Its psychologically a "bad thing" to push action based on negative re-enforcement cus you'll only get negative feedback in the end. I mean, its basic psychology. Forcing people to wait 20 seconds to stimulate teamwork is not going to work.

I think you've forgotten to factor in that this isn't the ONLY thing that is pointing people toward teamwork. XP rewards are another. No OSK is another.

And I think it is all to the good since it will encourage people who want to be One Man Armies to go some place else.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:22 am

No, I simply know human nature...what you're saying is we should force people to do this or that and that will change them...it won't. Its psychologically a "bad thing" to push action based on negative re-enforcement cus you'll only get negative feedback in the end. I mean, its basic psychology. Forcing people to wait 20 seconds to stimulate teamwork is not going to work. It will to a small degree granted but ultimately what needs to be done is positive re-enforcement of a positive action. And frankly if you're going to get snappy, if you would have actually read what I said I didn't purpose a solution at all, just said that people are a certain way and no amount of force is going to change that.

If that was the case we would have realized War isn't the answer a long time ago.

Creating such abilites as medics and ammo distrubutors IS however a positive way to push teamwork functionality. We need more of that if you want to coerce this "crucial" role of teamwork you all keep preaching about.

Now if you're supporting the idea that if you're dead you have to wait longer instead of just waiting for a medic, fine, but 20 seconds is a bit much.

if you would read what people are saying, or had ever actually played a game with a wave spawn, then your arguement is totally moot.
yes, 20 seconds is longer than 10.
yes, it feels marginally longer than 10.
no, it is in all actuality not that long
NO, you will NOT be waiting 20 seconds every time, or even half the time. in fact there will be times you spawn immediately
if you are going to continually arguing meaninglessly about stuff you dont understand or misinterpret, then YOU are the problem. if you think you are going to be unhappy with a 20 sec wave spawn, i suggest you cancel your preorder if you have one, and/or just leave this forum. go play CoD
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:06 pm

So....watching the game play from one of the events they talked about a few things in the game. I noticed them say 20sec re-spawns. That is a good bit of time. Is that the time still? Are they looking in to lowering that to maybe around 15secs.

One other thing....it's wave spawns. Again I dunno about that. It leaves alot to the imagination on how to "control" a map. I mean.....a good team......which is what this game is promoting, can trap another in without wave spawns. Let alone making it 20secs. The maneuverability in this game makes it pretty simple to close with and destroy a less experienced FPS player.

I like the fact that they are using ‘necvars’ to update on the fly AND are promoting the fact that they will listen to the community more so then past devs have in other popular titles.

Just a thought. Out loud.

20 second wave respawn...sound familiar to anyone....MAG!? I wouldn't care about a 20 sec wave respawn, because I'm so sued to it form playing MAG everyday lol.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:55 am

20 secs is fine by me. It'll slow the pacing down some and not be so CODish. Players will have to really think about their next move and how they inter play with their team.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:11 am

20 seconds is the wave, not the spawn delay, if you die at just the right time you will only have to wait 1 second, its a team countdown not a personal one, if that makes sense which is doesnt. what are we talking about?

I really like this, it'll make it even more tactical.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:22 am

I voted 20 sec respawns---with wave, too. 15 sec. can be fine, too, but I think it would depend on how big the map is and how long
does an objective/mission take.

I think it's a good idea to do it in "waves", so that way you may have teammates nearby when you revive again and it
could probably stop people from rushing in (because otherwise they would be like, "Eh, I'll just respawn really quick and rush in again")
and is enough seconds to make medics useful. Well, at least, I think it would (I hope?). :sweat:
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:09 am

It was tested by the devs and the testers of the game. Also, you can always have a Medic come and revive you so you don't have to wait 20 secs.

I like this also, because it will make the medic more vital.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:55 am

if you would read what people are saying, or had ever actually played a game with a wave spawn, then your arguement is totally moot.
yes, 20 seconds is longer than 10.
yes, it feels marginally longer than 10.
no, it is in all actuality not that long
NO, you will NOT be waiting 20 seconds every time, or even half the time. in fact there will be times you spawn immediately
if you are going to continually arguing meaninglessly about stuff you dont understand or misinterpret, then YOU are the problem. if you think you are going to be unhappy with a 20 sec wave spawn, i suggest you cancel your preorder if you have one, and/or just leave this forum. go play CoD

For one, telling me to play CoD is completely ineffective...I dispise that game for many reasons including the whole one wolf aspect. What you're not understanding is I'm playing the devil's advocate on many issues most of you seem to sheep over when they get poured out of a Developers mouth. I look at all aspects of a game and try and break them instead of just going with the crowd because "oh, I guess it makes sense."

I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.". The complete oppisite is usually the case where I get to hear many words I can't share with you fine wool producers.

I understand the wave concept, I can sympathis with your undieing wish of cooperative play amongs online twits but this is not the way to do it.

Wave respawns create nothing but that...A wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path but it will eventually disperse as everyone goes their seperate ways.
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Len swann
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:46 pm

20 seconds is fine with me I like the system overall, my bad if its already been said but are you able to see the timer at all times because that would make things pretty interesting.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:05 am

Well while twenty does seem a bit long on paper from the many write ups people have done about their experiences at shows it seems perfectly fine. I have yet to see a write up on an experience with someone going "Ugh I had to keep waiting forever to respawn." or anything like that. Mostly it was about the constant combat so clearly the pacing isn't slowed by the fact you could wait up to twenty seconds. I'm perfectly fine with twenty seconds and I'm sure if it was a big issue with playtesters and people that played the game in general so far they probably would have changed it.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:16 am

20 second spawn waves for me. I trust that that is the best option, not only for the facilitation of teamwork, but also for the sake of balance. I do, however, hope that there are plenty of Medics around, as I get bored easily and am not the most patient person in the world. :disguise:
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