No, I simply know human nature...what you're saying is we should force people to do this or that and that will change won't. Its psychologically a "bad thing" to push action based on negative re-enforcement cus you'll only get negative feedback in the end. I mean, its basic psychology. Forcing people to wait 20 seconds to stimulate teamwork is not going to work. It will to a small degree granted but ultimately what needs to be done is positive re-enforcement of a positive action. And frankly if you're going to get snappy, if you would have actually read what I said I didn't purpose a solution at all, just said that people are a certain way and no amount of force is going to change that.
If that was the case we would have realized War isn't the answer a long time ago.
Creating such abilites as medics and ammo distrubutors IS however a positive way to push teamwork functionality. We need more of that if you want to coerce this "crucial" role of teamwork you all keep preaching about.
Now if you're supporting the idea that if you're dead you have to wait longer instead of just waiting for a medic, fine, but 20 seconds is a bit much.
if you would read what people are saying, or had ever actually played a game with a wave spawn, then your arguement is totally moot.
yes, 20 seconds is longer than 10.
yes, it feels marginally longer than 10.
no, it is in all actuality not that long
NO, you will NOT be waiting 20 seconds every time, or even half the time. in fact there will be times you spawn immediately
if you are going to continually arguing meaninglessly about stuff you dont understand or misinterpret, then YOU are the problem. if you think you are going to be unhappy with a 20 sec wave spawn, i suggest you cancel your preorder if you have one, and/or just leave this forum. go play CoD