I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.". The complete oppisite is usually the case where I get to hear many words I can't share with you fine wool producers.
I understand the wave concept, I can sympathis with your undieing wish of cooperative play amongs online twits but this is not the way to do it.
Wave respawns create nothing but that...A wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path but it will eventually disperse as everyone goes their seperate ways.
I see your point, but I believe only the inexperience teams or the randoms would behave this way. I don't think experience teams will be so reckless. Experience players who know the game will be more team tactical and not disperse to separate ways, but would team up to their objectives.