20 sec respawns?

Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:00 am

For one, telling me to play CoD is completely ineffective...I dispise that game for many reasons including the whole one wolf aspect. What you're not understanding is I'm playing the devil's advocate on many issues most of you seem to sheep over when they get poured out of a Developers mouth. I look at all aspects of a game and try and break them instead of just going with the crowd because "oh, I guess it makes sense."

I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.". The complete oppisite is usually the case where I get to hear many words I can't share with you fine wool producers.

I understand the wave concept, I can sympathis with your undieing wish of cooperative play amongs online twits but this is not the way to do it.

Wave respawns create nothing but that...A wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path but it will eventually disperse as everyone goes their seperate ways.

I see your point, but I believe only the inexperience teams or the randoms would behave this way. I don't think experience teams will be so reckless. Experience players who know the game will be more team tactical and not disperse to separate ways, but would team up to their objectives.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:05 am

For one, telling me to play CoD is completely ineffective...I dispise that game for many reasons including the whole one wolf aspect. What you're not understanding is I'm playing the devil's advocate on many issues most of you seem to sheep over when they get poured out of a Developers mouth. I look at all aspects of a game and try and break them instead of just going with the crowd because "oh, I guess it makes sense."

I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.". The complete oppisite is usually the case where I get to hear many words I can't share with you fine wool producers.

I understand the wave concept, I can sympathis with your undieing wish of cooperative play amongs online twits but this is not the way to do it.

Wave respawns create nothing but that...A wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path but it will eventually disperse as everyone goes their seperate ways.

Your not playing devils advocate, your just being beligerent. A wave spawn sounds perfect for this and a 20 sec wave time, also, sounds fine.
If we shrink the wave time the ACTUAL spawn time average will also drop. Say for arguements sake the average time of a 20 sec wave is 10 secs, then a fifteen sec wave would have an average of only 7.5 secs, which is shorter than the respawn in objective games in Halo and is nowhere near enough time to reward the team who are doing the killing.

Also I prefer a wave spawn over an individual spawn. Say four of my team are taken out by the enemy who are close to taking an objective. Guy number 1 died at 18 secs number 2 at 15 secs, number 3 at 8 secs and lastly number 4 at 3 seconds. In a game like Halo these people would all run off individually to stop the opposition completing the objective, likely resulting in them getting taken out one at a time by the other team who are ready and waiting for them. Now in Brink these guys all spawn together and can set off and reach the enemy at the same time. Making their attempt to stop the other team much more likely to succeed!
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:32 pm

So....watching the game play from one of the events they talked about a few things in the game. I noticed them say 20sec re-spawns. That is a good bit of time. Is that the time still? Are they looking in to lowering that to maybe around 15secs.

One other thing....it's wave spawns. Again I dunno about that. It leaves alot to the imagination on how to "control" a map. I mean.....a good team......which is what this game is promoting, can trap another in without wave spawns. Let alone making it 20secs. The maneuverability in this game makes it pretty simple to close with and destroy a less experienced FPS player.

I like the fact that they are using ‘necvars’ to update on the fly AND are promoting the fact that they will listen to the community more so then past devs have in other popular titles.

Just a thought. Out loud.

personly i feel like u havent ever played mag. mag had an awesome wave respawn that i beleive was 20 sec mite of been 30. and it worked great i NEVER waited the full time actualy alot of the time i would die RITE when it hit 0 so i would respawn faster. btw objectives need there to be times where if you kill EVERYONE you should have time to do the objective. the wave system makes the game more team like
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:46 am

I wanted to make a long post, but I really can't without becoming somewhat aggressive (and I tried writing some wall of text for some good time now).

What you're not understanding is I'm playing the devil's advocate on many issues most of you seem to sheep over when they get poured out of a Developers mouth.

I agree with H Van Zan and find you're pretending to play a Devil's Advocate.

I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.".

And like in the other thread, leeeeeet meeee introoooduuuuucee to you, Laaaaaadiieeeeees aaaaaaand Geeentlemeeeen!
The one! The only! The popular and possibly most renowned online game of recent history!
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Which had much longer waiting times than 20 seconds if you tried to lone-wolf it.
And it was as popular as Call of Duty is now.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:49 am

Your not playing devils advocate, your just being beligerent.

You boys and girls seem to be thinking this is my first rodeo. I can't count the times I have been in a game's forums pre and post release. Its all a bunch of "OMG, this game is going to be fantasticals! Its bestest evers I swearz it!" Then day one, hour one comes and so do all the hate message. "SD You big bad liars, you have failz us SO bads."

I know game developers and marketers who not only expect this but it almost comes as natural as the lover letters before.

I feel as fans its our job to peel apart every aspect of the game, negative and positive and tell the real speal as we see it. If that doesn't make me a "nice guy" to the rest of you, fine, but for a game I actually have some decent hope in, I'll do what it takes without being an all out troll.

Its earned me respect in Fable's forum, a place of high mention in the Bad Company forums and sheer weight of truth in the PSNHome forum, to name a few. I'm still being pointed out by random people I meet in just as random forums as someone who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty in the truth of the matter.

If you think something is just dandy with a game, fine, but don't always expect me to agree with you...I sure don't expect you to agree with me...hence why we have forums.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:27 am

Respawn time is based on the gameplay.

There really hasn't been enough shown to make a good decision, but I say, 10 second respawns should be a safe bet.
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claire ley
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:03 pm

Can't we all just get along?

The 20 second respawn set opens up time for the medic to function. If it was a 5-10 second respawn it would be tactically more viable to let your teammates die and use different classes instead of the medic. Without feeling a disadvantage from not using a medic what's the point in using the medic?

The wave spawns are a type of forced regrouping; whether or not you stick with your team afterwards is irrelevant.

For one team you have a solid reinforcement (instead of one guy who just bit it) coming every 20 seconds (assuming you lose a group) and for the other team you have a reward for clearing an area, time to plant the bomb, hack a CP, etc.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:40 am

And it WAS as popular as Call of Duty IS NOW.

You said it, not me.

Faster, faster, faster is what gamers want now. And 20 seconds isn't fast when you're in a game thats designed to be such.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:22 am

20 seconds sounds great,makes the medic seem more useful for reviving somebody. wouldn't be much point of healing you if your gonna regenerate your hp or re-spawn in 1/2 a second would there?
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:13 am

Can't we all just get along?

The 20 second respawn set opens up time for the medic to function. If it was a 5-10 second respawn it would be tactically more viable to let your teammates die and use different classes instead of the medic. Without feeling a disadvantage from not using a medic what's the point in using the medic?

Whats Killzone's 3 way of spawn? I've forgetten, its been a while : P.

Tell me what that is and I'll say its a fine way of spawning for the type of game we're playing.

The benefit of a medic being near by is if you can be resurected you don't have to run all the way back to the front. In KZ, when you're downed a medic has plenty enough time to come grab you...if you die, you have to start back at the spawn point. Thats the true benefit of a medic, not sitting back as the world passes you by, to be frank.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:17 pm

20 seconds sounds great,makes the medic seem more useful for reviving somebody. wouldn't be much point of healing you if your gonna regenerate your hp or re-spawn in 1/2 a second would there?

I agree having a longer timer give the Medic class more meaning because it actually makes it's abilities a key to winning those hard battles. The benefit of being revived by a medic shouldnt just be not having to make a trip back because thats not really that big a benefit especially in brink where you can jump,hop and slide your way back to an objective in no time. A team that is working well and taking out the other side should be rewarded with a breather and not have to fight the same person they just killed 2 seconds ago it should take them a 8-10 seconds to get back to where they are.

Also having a longer spawn timer adds to the drama of the game do I respawn or should I wait and see if this medic can revive me? It adds suspense because maybe you decide to respawn instead of letting that medic throw you a syringe and now they took the objective when if you would have waited and skipped that spawn in and he revived you and him could have held off those forces until the back up arrived.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:58 am

Whats Killzone's 3 way of spawn? I've forgetten, its been a while : P.

Tell me what that is and I'll say its a fine way of spawning for the type of game we're playing.

The benefit of a medic being near by is if you can be resurected you don't have to run all the way back to the front. In KZ, when you're downed a medic has plenty enough time to come grab you...if you die, you have to start back at the spawn point. Thats the true benefit of a medic, not sitting back as the world passes you by, to be frank.

Killzone 3 = 5 secs, Killzone 2 = 10 secs. Medic was kind of a useless class in both games tbh and it was much safer just spawning at one of the spawn points because half the time a medic would revive you right infront of the enemy.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:59 am

You boys and girls seem to be thinking this is my first rodeo. I can't count the times I have been in a game's forums pre and post release. Its all a bunch of "OMG, this game is going to be fantasticals! Its bestest evers I swearz it!" Then day one, hour one comes and so do all the hate message. "SD You big bad liars, you have failz us SO bads."

I know game developers and marketers who not only expect this but it almost comes as natural as the lover letters before.

I feel as fans its our job to peel apart every aspect of the game, negative and positive and tell the real speal as we see it. If that doesn't make me a "nice guy" to the rest of you, fine, but for a game I actually have some decent hope in, I'll do what it takes without being an all out troll.

Its earned me respect in Fable's forum, a place of high mention in the Bad Company forums and sheer weight of truth in the PSNHome forum, to name a few. I'm still being pointed out by random people I meet in just as random forums as someone who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty in the truth of the matter.

If you think something is just dandy with a game, fine, but don't always expect me to agree with you...I sure don't expect you to agree with me...hence why we have forums.

Good for you. However, this isn't a valid concern for the game. As has been pointed out, it has been used in other, very successful, titles. Its a non point, your arguements dont add up on this matter.
Dont get me wrong, I dont think this game is perfect, there are a few issues i'm worried about. However this is not one of them for 90% of the people on this forum.

Also i think you should give this community more credit than you are, as they are not an unintelligent bunch!
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:23 am

Killzone 3 = 5 secs, Killzone 2 = 10 secs. Medic was kind of a useless class in both games tbh and it was much safer just spawning at one of the spawn points because half the time a medic would revive you right infront of the enemy.

Yea in KZ3 the Medics def became useless which is one the main reason I didnt purchase the game. After playing the closed beta I came to realize they ruined the KZ franchise in my eyes trying to cash in like the COD with more run and gun tactics completely getting rid of most of the strategic elements from KZ2.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:36 am

Whats Killzone's 3 way of spawn? I've forgetten, its been a while : P.

Tell me what that is and I'll say its a fine way of spawning for the type of game we're playing.

The benefit of a medic being near by is if you can be resurected you don't have to run all the way back to the front. In KZ, when you're downed a medic has plenty enough time to come grab you...if you die, you have to start back at the spawn point. Thats the true benefit of a medic, not sitting back as the world passes you by, to be frank.

I don't know, I don't play Killzone.

If you don't want to sit in the respawn for at most 20 seconds either don't die or make sure your medic is worth his salt. Death comes at a price, that price is a whole 20 seconds of waiting to respawn. Take the time to change tactics and be better prepared the next time you go out.

That's the real flaw with respawn games (particularly short respawns), you don't have time to actually think and learn from your mistakes. Gamers can't get smarter because they haven't thought about what they did wrong before they're back out there doing it wrong again.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:20 pm

Yea in KZ3 the Medics def became useless which is one the main reason I didnt purchase the game. After playing the closed beta I came to realize they ruined the KZ franchise in my eyes trying to cash in like the COD with more run and gun tactics completely getting rid of most of the strategic elements from KZ2.

:nope: @ Killzone 3

Thats why im looking forward to Brink, none of the current FPS games out appeal to me but the more I hear of Brink the more im interested. There are also a few similarities to KZ2 which I like.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:19 am

I don't know, I don't play Killzone.

If you don't want to sit in the respawn for at most 20 seconds either don't die or make sure your medic is worth his salt. Death comes at a price, that price is a whole 20 seconds of waiting to respawn. Take the time to change tactics and be better prepared the next time you go out.

That's the real flaw with respawn games (particularly short respawns), you don't have time to actually think and learn from your mistakes. Gamers can't get smarter because they haven't thought about what they did wrong before they're back out there doing it wrong again.

Not neccasarily true. Gamers are learning pretty quickly these days though I understand what you're saying.

And don't you worry about me...I got little worry with sitting in the respawn screen, which is something I think most of you are missing. I have plans to be in a pretty tightly knit clan if I can get it rolling. We've traversed many war games together and once we start rolling there's little that gets us to stop.

Like I said in another one of my posts, I'm a hardcoe gamer focused on victory...that doesn't mean I want it to be easy ;)...and having half the opposing team waiting to spawn doesn't sound "fun" to me.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:56 am

However this is not one of them for 90% of the people on this forum.

Also i think you should give this community more credit than you are, as they are not an unintelligent bunch!

90% of this forum doesn't make up 10% of the people who are going to be advertised too to get this game. Keep that in mind.

And trust me, I've heard that arguement before...I have yet to be impressed truthfully, lionhead's group was pretty cool though. Course I was in a battle with a pretty intelligent troll in the BF2 forums for almost two months...he's on the friend's list now lol...pretty decent assaulter at that. He impressed me. Clever in the was of turning a phrase.

Credit is earned and lost. Appeal, thought process and simple devotion to a cause is what I consider credit. Some here have shown it, others, not so much. We shall see though.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:37 am

:nope: @ Killzone 3

Thats why im looking forward to Brink, none of the current FPS games out appeal to me but the more I hear of Brink the more im interested. There are also a few similarities to KZ2 which I like.

Yea I feel you there man. To honest I didnt know what I was going to do with Brink and KZ3 coming out so close together and them being so similar in play. Then I got invited to play the beta for KZ3 and was like wow they have completely not listened to anything the core players of KZ2 asked for instead opting to try and be a greedy cash cow and turn such a great franchise into another COD clone. The new spawn system, the spawn timer being so fast, matches all playing out the same because of those making the game get old and stale quick it was a huge let down but made my decision easy I suppose.

Now all I can do is pray that Brink turns out as great we all hope it will be.
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Ellie English
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:25 am

I like respawn timers. Waves are interesting but i dont really like them, at least not in MAG. Maybe itll be better in Brink. I like the idea of waves though so enemies dont come at random times n u spawn with your teammates. So yeah, i could see that working. But please not 20 seconds. More like 10 or 15 :P
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:22 pm

Not neccasarily true. Gamers are learning pretty quickly these days though I understand what you're saying.

And don't you worry about me...I got little worry with sitting in the respawn screen, which is something I think most of you are missing. I have plans to be in a pretty tightly knit clan if I can get it rolling. We've traversed many war games together and once we start rolling there's little that gets us to stop.

Like I said in another one of my posts, I'm a hardcoe gamer focused on victory...that doesn't mean I want it to be easy ;)...and having half the opposing team waiting to spawn doesn't sound "fun" to me.

Well if gamers learn pretty quickly then knowing that if they die they could face up to a spawn time of 20 seconds they would take more care in the way that they play, that would more than likely lead to you playing against more people that think tactically making it more of a "challenge" for yourself as a hardcoe gamer and all...
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sam westover
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:34 pm

Not neccasarily true. Gamers are learning pretty quickly these days though I understand what you're saying.

And don't you worry about me...I got little worry with sitting in the respawn screen, which is something I think most of you are missing. I have plans to be in a pretty tightly knit clan if I can get it rolling. We've traversed many war games together and once we start rolling there's little that gets us to stop.

Like I said in another one of my posts, I'm a hardcoe gamer focused on victory...that doesn't mean I want it to be easy ;)...and having half the opposing team waiting to spawn doesn't sound "fun" to me.

And earning crap loads of XP for looking at a wheel that tells me what to do doesn't sound like fun to me, but you've got to take the good with the bad. It goes back to the whole "everybody wants to have fun" thing. Your clan is kicking ass, the other team of randoms gets lucky and forces the majortiy of you into the respawn, giving them time to get back on their feet and suddenly they're having fun again.

Everybody is going to have to give ground on the "fun" front, or preferably learn to have fun regardless, in order for the grand scope of Brink to work.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:23 pm

Wow massive double post. I can tell you that took a lot of deleting off my phone!

Anyway to make this on topic.

You shorten the spawn and medics become almost useless... itd almost be the same as giving a soldier only a clip and a half of ammo to fight with!

20 second wave FTW
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:34 am

Wait, so if 5 players on a team die within 20 seconds, they all respawn at the same time? How does a wave spawn work exactly?

Exactly that!
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:32 am

I guess having a wave timer would be good, as players will value their lives more. Any timer would work well with this, wave or not.
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