For one, telling me to play CoD is completely ineffective...I dispise that game for many reasons including the whole one wolf aspect. What you're not understanding is I'm playing the devil's advocate on many issues most of you seem to sheep over when they get poured out of a Developers mouth. I look at all aspects of a game and try and break them instead of just going with the crowd because "oh, I guess it makes sense."
I have NEVER been in a game with a respawn timer longer then 8 seconds where people are saying "Boy, this was such a good idea, I think I'll knit while I wait.". The complete oppisite is usually the case where I get to hear many words I can't share with you fine wool producers.
I understand the wave concept, I can sympathis with your undieing wish of cooperative play amongs online twits but this is not the way to do it.
Wave respawns create nothing but that...A wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path but it will eventually disperse as everyone goes their seperate ways.
you arent playing anything other than a blatently ignorant fool. now that you have proclaimed that you have indeed NOT had any experience with this sort of respawning, why dont your try listening to the people who have? you ignorantly claim that we are simply taking it as it is and saying it will be fine because that is the cool thing to do, yet most of us have actually played games with this mechanic, and have even said so in our posts. you blow all the the topics you bring up way out of proportion, and then accuse everyone else of being the idiots.
like i said, just cancel your preorder if you have one, and get out. your arent making intellectual debate, you are expressing your own concerns about features that you have no experience with. and instead of listening to feedback from people that have used such features (or just know more about them than you), you accuse them of being the fool that you are.
you havent played anything with more than a 8 second respawn? i guess that means you havent even played anything with a wave spawn either. so what would you know about what a wave spawn creates? either way, you simply do not have enough experience (or intellect it seems) to tell other people how its going to work.
Your not playing devils advocate, your just being beligerent. A wave spawn sounds perfect for this and a 20 sec wave time, also, sounds fine.
If we shrink the wave time the ACTUAL spawn time average will also drop. Say for arguements sake the average time of a 20 sec wave is 10 secs, then a fifteen sec wave would have an average of only 7.5 secs, which is shorter than the respawn in objective games in Halo and is nowhere near enough time to reward the team who are doing the killing.
Also I prefer a wave spawn over an individual spawn. Say four of my team are taken out by the enemy who are close to taking an objective. Guy number 1 died at 18 secs number 2 at 15 secs, number 3 at 8 secs and lastly number 4 at 3 seconds. In a game like Halo these people would all run off individually to stop the opposition completing the objective, likely resulting in them getting taken out one at a time by the other team who are ready and waiting for them. Now in Brink these guys all spawn together and can set off and reach the enemy at the same time. Making their attempt to stop the other team much more likely to succeed!
listen to people like this who actually know what they are talking about. otherwise, like i said before and will say again, just leave and dont buy the game. you have a negative enough opinion of it as it is. and with your concerns, it seems likely that it just wont be the game for you.
P.S. every single post you make ignores the entire mechanics behind a wave spawn. YOU WILL NOT BE WAITING 20 SECONDS TO SPAWN. if you ever do, it will be on rare occasions. and the times that you spawn immediately will counter act it. your average spawn time will be LESS THAN 10 SECONDS
P.P.S. despite your announced dislike of CoD, you are still in the mindset of someone who primarily plays team deathmatch varients and/or primarily is a lone wolf.
Solo kills are the poorest paying way to earn XP in Brink. However, neutralizing a target at or around the current core objective gives each one of said kills a multiplier. Kills scored when traveling with teammates also get multiplied. Getting kills while defending a core objective and fighting alongside teammates can pay fairly well. Spawn camping to try to level up is a waste of player time, as not enough experience is paid due to spawns being far from the objective. If players want to earn most of their XP through shooting, they'll have to earn it through cooperative actions, holding their ground, and running offense on objectives.
you need to understand that this game will play different that most everything you have played. you will need to kill the other team, yes. but you will need to concentrate mainly on other stuff. your "wave of spawns that will flood out for a moment destroying everything in their combined path" is not likely to happen unless its a coordinated attack executed by an organized team. that kind of thing can happen in any game despite the respawn mechanics. by the time the 'wave' gets where they are going, or even half there, they will have split up. thats because they wont necessarily all be going to the same place, or getting there the same way.