20 sec respawns?

Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:57 am

So....watching the game play from one of the events they talked about a few things in the game. I noticed them say 20sec re-spawns. That is a good bit of time. Is that the time still? Are they looking in to lowering that to maybe around 15secs.

One other thing....it's wave spawns. Again I dunno about that. It leaves alot to the imagination on how to "control" a map. I mean.....a good team......which is what this game is promoting, can trap another in without wave spawns. Let alone making it 20secs. The maneuverability in this game makes it pretty simple to close with and destroy a less experienced FPS player.

I like the fact that they are using ‘necvars’ to update on the fly AND are promoting the fact that they will listen to the community more so then past devs have in other popular titles.

Just a thought. Out loud.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:34 am

the 20 wave spawn is fine. i fell like it'll match the game perfectly. but im patient, some people may not be. specially on consoles.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:07 am

20 secs is fine, it keeps people from doing stupid things and makes them think about what they are doing/ going to do
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:19 pm

The spawn times have not only been tried and tested in Brink, they worked in RTCW, W:ET and QW - I am not worried in the slightest. Plus, having it in waves makes it harder for a team to "control" a map, since groups of players will be spawning at the same time, not 1 guy a t a time, slowly trickling in.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:53 am

They have a 20 sec respawn time so that Medics can try to revive you. Also, it's not always 20 secs. Say I guy falls to the ground 10 secs before you do, once you fall your respawn time will be 10 secs. The waves are there to be treated as if you or the group of people respawning are "Reinforcements"

EDIT: So your basically saying people will spawn camp? This can't be true since you can choose your spawn point (ie. any command post that your team obtains), and I highly doubt there will be no other command posts open for a team to spawn at.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:31 am

20 seconds is the wave, not the spawn delay, if you die at just the right time you will only have to wait 1 second, its a team countdown not a personal one, if that makes sense which is doesnt. what are we talking about?
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Austin England
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:18 am

the 20 wave spawn is fine. i fell like it'll match the game perfectly. but im patient, some people may not be. specially on consoles.

Im curious as to how you believe because we are console gamers, therefore we have no patience? How did u come to this conclusion?

btw, i voted 15 sec Wave, but 20 sec Wave is perfectly fine with me. 10 seconds is too fast, 15 sounds good to me. Maybe once i actually play the game i'll have a better judgement
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Post » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:18 pm

They have a 20 sec respawn time so that Medics can try to revive you.

That's not really the reason. The real reason is for game balance. Imagine trying to complete an objective (or defend one) if enemy players kept respawning every 5-10 seconds
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:35 am

Well that too.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:35 pm

heres the thing, 90%+ of the time, you wont be waiting 20 seconds. the spawn countdown doesnt start when you die. it is ongoing. every 20 seconds during the match, there is a full team spawn. you could die, and spawn 1 second later, or 20, or anywhere between. it depends where the counter is at when you die.

and like he said, you could get revived before you bleed out too.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:58 am

Points taken. I also am coming at this from an XBOX player standpoint. Wave spawns are pretty simple to 'control'. It's a matter of tactics. That's all I pointing out. Tested by? Once this game hits the shelf the TESTERS are not the ones that will exploit this thing to death. Every wall, container, and ledge will be scouted and youtubed to the fullest. My questions come from that knowledge alone. 20 secs seems to be a lengthy wave.

Then again. People shouldn't be dying so much as a TEAM, huh. LOL
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Post » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:11 pm

Points taken. I also am coming at this from an XBOX player standpoint. Wave spawns are pretty simple to 'control'. It's a matter of tactics. That's all I pointing out. Tested by? Once this game hits the shelf the TESTERS are not the ones that will exploit this thing to death. Every wall, container, and ledge will be scouted and youtubed to the fullest. My questions come from that knowledge alone. 20 secs seems to be a lengthy wave.

Then again. People shouldn't be dying so much as a TEAM, huh. LOL

It was tested by the devs and the testers of the game. Also, you can always have a Medic come and revive you so you don't have to wait 20 secs.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:57 am

Points taken. I also am coming at this from an XBOX player standpoint. Wave spawns are pretty simple to 'control'. It's a matter of tactics. That's all I pointing out. Tested by? Once this game hits the shelf the TESTERS are not the ones that will exploit this thing to death. Every wall, container, and ledge will be scouted and youtubed to the fullest. My questions come from that knowledge alone. 20 secs seems to be a lengthy wave.

Then again. People shouldn't be dying so much as a TEAM, huh. LOL

MAG had the same spawn system/time, never seemed all that long unless you didnt bleed out in time and still didnt get revived. 'spawn control' was also rarely an issue. except in the early days. SVER was able to take full control of their sabotage map on a fair basis.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:39 am

Like I said. Testers are usually not the ones that find the game breaking exploits. Most are out within a week by groups of people that pride themselves on exploit finding.

MAG on the other hand is a massive game with 64 players. Waves would work on that cause downing 20+ inside of the time would be near impossible. With the smaller teams a group can be handicapped pretty quick.

Alas.....i digress. Was a thought. The game will be here soon enough. :thumbsup:
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:21 pm

Points taken. I also am coming at this from an XBOX player standpoint. Wave spawns are pretty simple to 'control'. It's a matter of tactics. That's all I pointing out. Tested by? Once this game hits the shelf the TESTERS are not the ones that will exploit this thing to death. Every wall, container, and ledge will be scouted and youtubed to the fullest. My questions come from that knowledge alone. 20 secs seems to be a lengthy wave.

Then again. People shouldn't be dying so much as a TEAM, huh. LOL

If the waves were shorter, medics wouldn't be nearly as valuable as they are. It gives you more of a reason to play as one or with one.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:08 pm

15 secs is not that far of a jump. Medics can heal on the fly....which is why I would be one in the first place. Having a team mate on the floor for that duration is not productive to a team I would think. The difference in 5 secs is not as much as 10.....but is still long enough to revive ones self, get help, or be used as a 'walking wounded'.

2nd chance comes to mind with this.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:21 am

i really doubt its gonna be an issue. think about it.

can your team really kill all of or most of the other team in 20 secs?
can your team do it without incurring its own loses?
from the first kill at least, the respawn counter is already counting down.
by the time they are all down, you would only have a couple seconds left before ALL of them come storming out at once, which if you incurred your own loses, you probly wont be able to handle.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:27 am

It worked perfectly in MAG. I honestly couldn't think of a better way to do it. The only problem with spawning in MAG is that sometimes you were MILES from the objective, and the very first spawn wave didn't release for about 30 seconds.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:45 pm

20 seconds is fine. It's long enough so that a good smattering of kills made by you and your team won't feel useless, long enough for medics to reach the wounded, and long enough to rethink your strategy after being killed.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:42 am

Wait, so if 5 players on a team die within 20 seconds, they all respawn at the same time? How does a wave spawn work exactly?
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:01 pm

hopefully it teaches people not to be so wreckless and running into certain death and promotes a more tactical game.

but i guarantee you that there will be a lot of people who die a lot complaining about this.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:08 am

Wait, so if 5 players on a team die within 20 seconds, they all respawn at the same time? How does a wave spawn work exactly?

it works in waves, as the name implies.
rather than haveing a respawn timer start when you die, the respawn timer is in a constant loop in the background counting down from 20. when you 'die' (become incapacitated), you are given 2 options. you can wait for a medic or 'join the reinforcements'. if you select the latter, a medic can no longer revive you, and you bleed out and respawn when the counter hits 0 next. the timer could already be at 1, and you could respawn almost immediately. if its anything like mag, you can also just choose to lay there for up to a minute or two while a couple waves spawn, waiting for a medic, as long as no one finishes you off.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:04 am

EDIT: So your basically saying people will spawn camp? This can't be true since you can choose your spawn point (ie. any command post that your team obtains), and I highly doubt there will be no other command posts open for a team to spawn at.


Every team has one respawn.
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Post » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:34 pm

I'm really hoping there will be some way to check the wave timer while your playing, that way when I'm getting shot at I can hold out until the last few seconds.
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Post » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:02 am

Wait, so if 5 players on a team die within 20 seconds, they all respawn at the same time? How does a wave spawn work exactly?

A timer counts down from 20-0. After the timer finishes, anyone who has died within that timer is spawned at the same time with other teammates who have died in that same time period. If your teammate dies at 18 seconds and you die at 10 seconds of the wave timer you will both spawn when the timer hits 0. Once the timer hits 0 it restarts over again from 20 and everyone on the team spawns. This allows player to spawn along with their other teammates and move in packs instead of going 1 by 1. Get it? If not tell me what you don't get. :thumbsup:
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