Second battle of Hoover Dam is underwhelming

Post » Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:49 am

I fought under Eureka! and boy is it underwhelming.

There are indeed Legionaries inside the dam, but they're fixed spawns, and only appear when you're near certain areas.

Once you're outside, Caesar's Legion barely have any presence, if at all. There are a few Centurions here and there, but that's about it. I prepared Red Glare, Annabelle, Esther, and Thump Thump in preparation of Legion "onslaught", but Legion seem to be having trouble with their recruits. Now, true, I have done everything I could to foil Legion's plans, but come on, they can't be out of recruits, now can they? There are more NPCs in Nelson battle than in Hoover Dam exterior. I called in support from Enclave only to have them walk around as there was literally nobody to fight. In front of Hoover Dam Checkpoint there were 3 Centurions, then near the intakes there were 2, and that's all. Past the checkpoint, same thing. Once inside Legate's Camp... I've seen more people in Vicki and Vance

Insultingly, everyone involved have only 50 HP. Talk about ridiculous! Now, true, if they go with normal HP, I'm probably screwed, as there will be nobody left to help me fight wave after wave of Marksman Carbine, but come on! However, I do have Project Nevada installed, and I recall it tampers with how hit points are calculated, so maybe it's me. Then again, I have 270 HP by the time I reach level 50, so unless the original devs did something to those Centurions, they should have at least more than 50 HP.

Now, is this just my game or Second Battle is actually like that?
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