Of course I get completely ignored... The bane of hardly even being in this Section... :facepalm: Either way, I guess I'll just give up on the idea of being a judge and/or being a participant... Not much point in either really...
I'm sorry

Do you still want to judge? Please submit some examples of your critique. Thank you.
My input on a couple of points.
**Off to read the last batch of stories, see if I agree with the decisions

Thanks Rohugh, we might take next month off

I agree with most people so far in that themes are a good idea, but they should probably wait a while.
I'll definitely stick my nose into the next contest. If you want me as a judge, I'm open to it, and I'm always happy to help out. Otherwise, I'm entering as a writer.

Whatever you would like best to do, BSparrow. We probably have a spot open on the judges ballot (I think Burnt Sierra is the only judge left from last time) *Hand snatched!* So, we would love to have you as a judge, but if you want to write I'm not going to push you one way or the other

I highly recommend you have BSparrow as judge instead of me, Darkom. As you know, she's an excellent reviewer and would probably do the contest a lot of good.

Indeed, but once again it is up to her. You can still judge if you like; I like the idea of having three judges per contest. Perhaps recruiting one more if there are a lot of stories.
If you want to judge this one you can have my spot. Not that I'm unwilling to judge or anything, but we might as well rotate jobs a bit. Maybe I'll write one for this contest.
:( Oh well, another one gone. Thanks for your help, I look forward to your story

I've got a few ideas for themes. Keep in mind though, these are mainly off the top of my head at the moment...
Just some ideas.
Looks good, Moroni. Same to yours BSparrow, but the decision on themes is the same: wait until next time at least. However, if you guys really want to we can put it up for a vote.
Everyone that wants to participate, be it judging or writing, please register an account on Feyfolken. Judges from last time that are going to be writing this time, we will be revoking your moderator priveledges, to be restored should you ever choose to judge again. I'm not doing this to be spiteful, I just can't have you looking at things in the judges only section. I'm sure you understand

Thanks again everyone!