That's the name of the game, mate

I love that feeling; it's like losing when you feel like the champion. You finally have something to strive for. I'm not saying I'm the champion or anything, that's just kind of how it feels.
For example, I was told to work on my descriptions, and the short story I'm writing now is very descriptive indeed. Kind of taking a break from Garzog until I fix that, but I intend to write at least a little bit of that today, in case anyone was anticipating more

Thanks guys, sounds like this one will be even better than last time. Don't forget to let us know if you have any opinions or advice, and please tell me if you intend to write another story. I don't mind if you want to keep it a secret, but I would like an estimation of how many we'll have so we can number the judges accordingly.
Thanks for writing, and keep it up :goodjob:
EDIT: I figured, but thanks for telling me. One can never be sure, sometimes people insinuate one thing and do another.
I myself am thinking about entering this one as well; a rather unique privelage of not technically being a judge. Unless, of course, people object to this.