Second Quest Triggering

Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:09 am

Hello everyone,

I am having a frustrating time getting any second quest to trigger. I can make a successful first quest which completes effectively, but any second quests I've attempted don't trigger. Let me detail what I've tried so far;

- I always generate a SEQ file when I alter anything to do with quests.

- I have two quests currently ready to run. I have them start() when the player runs through a trigger in a location(coming inside a new building)

- I have the first quest starting with a forcegreet, but this is not a "blocking" dialogue.

The first quest runs fine, but never triggers second quest. Both quests are NOT enabled-at-start or run-once. I have tried to trigger the second quest by clicking the "compelete quest" in Quest DATA and targetting the new quest. I have also tried to set the second quest as property in the first quest, and trigger it by setting the stage of the second quest via the last stage of the first quest. - still nothing. I'm running out of ideas and can't find anything in any of the tutorial videos that might help. Hopefully I'm doing something daft or missing something obvious. Any help you can give would improve my blood pressure and also help me get on with things.


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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:24 am

If you have any alias's in the quest which fail to fill (and are not optional) this will prevent the quest from runnning.

If this is the case, to troubleshoot this, make all your alias's optional (, then when your second quest should have started use the console and type

SQV questID

where questID is the ID of your quest (Not the name) to check if all your aliases have filled and also the quest state

example: to check the quest Unbound you would type:


Alias's can also fill to fail if you have them in the wrong order.

Below is off-tangent, so encased in spoilers


Lets say you have three alias's, a book, a marker and a location where the book is created.

If your alias's where arranged in this order

Book (reference alias)

Marker (reference alias)

Location (location alis)

This would cause the alias's to fail, why?

When an alias's are filled, they are completed sequentially, going back to the three alias's i mentioned, the book would fill to fail because the Location alias has yet to fill.

Therefore any alias which refers to another alias (in the same quest) has to be created after the referenced alias has filled.

The correct order for the three alias's i mentioned would be:


Marker - References Location

Book - References Marker

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:25 am

You are a gentleman and a scholar - you hit the nail on the head. None of the Quest tutorials mentioned this!

If you can meet me in the Dragonbridge Inn I'll shout you a flagon of mead. Good Job.

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