Ok so if you create a character and you get to the part where he ask u all the questions, kinda like a therapist. You answer all the questions and he says he will see you out. In THE SAME ROOM. Find the shelf that has the baseball, radio, and baseball glove. Turn you volume up(kinda hard to hear) and stand next to the radio. You will hear it go on and go in and out of static, listen long enough and morse code will start coming through. I have no idea what it is saying because i dont know morse code. So can any1 decipher it?
Idk if there will be some kind of spoiler or anything like that, but im interested in this. I noticed it the very first time i played it as i looted the heck out of the doctors house

If any1 can find it out or maybe second me to make sure im not crazy and hearing things, that would be great!