Gotta find a way to enjoy Salt Lake City Utah somehow. Why not make a bad joke?
I may not have fell off my seat, but it did provoke a chuckle from me.
Bro, learn to use google, you'll love it. That video is a month old, which may not seem like much, but a lot can and has changed in a month. They were able to finish the game early so moved the release date UP from the 17th to the 10th. That's right, it's released in ~24 hours. Walmart is notoriously bad at keeping information up to date just like they have bad customer service.
I do utilize Google, however I dont cite from it being as how 411 from the ether is never reliable imo. Just like journalism, I go with only trusted sources. Not every and anyone who can boot up, register, and type. I did find that the vid was released in early April. Being no more than a month old, you can see how this may lead to some confusion. A new vid so close to the release date with it displaying its release date is usually an indication of its release date. And anyone whom's ever been an informed consumer, knows launch dates get changed all the time, up to and including the date of release. Initially I was scouring the Brink site for info, but it was late and tiring so I stopped just short of finding official news. Per Bethesda, 5.17 was the original release date and due to production finishing ahead of schedule, a closer date of 5.10 was announced (good news when MAJOR developers finish ahead of schedule, shows drive and commitment which equals productivity in the end. I'm hopeful for Brink...and even more for TES,V:Skyrim) However, since I wasn't at that marketing meeting (and I doubt anyone posting to this thread was either) I overlooked that statement from Bethesda. So I had my wires crossed and didn't feel like sorting it out 'til later. Happens, even with "perfect" people...yeah, I know Walmart has non-existent customer service. It's why the same product made in China is cheaper there than other retail outlets. But I settled with the notion a long time ago that "shopping" at Walmart/Sam's is more for utilitarian purposes where I go to buy specific goods. I'm a savvy consumer and NEVER impulse purchase. And being informed before I spend my loot saves me the need for "customer service" from any goods provider.
(Raven I assume

Yes, 'til the game went demo and the influx of noobs exacerbated the PMC balance issues. So I decided to finish up the Trophy race and in the interests of good playership am now on Valor lending my skills to 'em and hating every mo of it. Anon (still presumed but denied by 'em) actually did me a favor (sort of). I haven't been yelling at my screen for almost 4 weeks now at some random who has no clue what MAG is about. I planned on putting the game on indefinite hiatus when I start to play Brink. Brink was going to be the game I boot up when I wanted to play mp fps. However, it looks as if Crysis2'll be the one filling that position with SOE services halted and me purchasing it with Brink, too.