Sort of. Just missing the glow arownd the edges and the white foggy substence, but we can go with out the foggy substance i think. Defenetly on the right trak though! Thanks!
Sort of. Just missing the glow arownd the edges and the white foggy substence, but we can go with out the foggy substance i think. Defenetly on the right trak though! Thanks!
wow didnt know of that ability that might work better
Yeh I believe that Ability has a script effect attached to it which basically sets "saa 0.1". It also has something like "pms GhostEffect" in there which applies a shader that makes a character really look like a ghost instead of just transparant.
Yes that worked, but now when I attack the npc, the npc doesnt strike back. even though my attack DID DO DAMAGE to the npc. any way to fix this? Oh, and by the way, I am trying to make a God figure with this.