only thing could ya put the teddy and bed in a more level 1 friendly place that overpass is murder to clean out straight out of the vault
I likely had a tougher game then you. MMM greatly increased spawns, eXcalibrUniverse, and very low DR clothing, and most of them spawned with grenades. I could still take it at low levels, but straight out of the vault? Maybe not. But it's hardly impossible if you think about what you're doing. Most of the first "wave" got taken out when I blew up the truck, and the rest were wounded. Then I just took it slow.
Trust me, "some other mods" is not a problem. Unless you simply can't handle a hoard of poorly equipped morons with ease, in which case it's likely a problem with how you take them on.
I would tend to agree with kingsheart. It is a difficult run with FWE+MMM (increased spawns) on low levels, particularly before you get some weapon upgrades. While they may be poorly equipped, getting attacked by 6-7 raiders is quite a mouthful with FWEs deadlier weapons. On the other hand, I like the notion of having to fight (or solve a mini quest) to get the unique teddy
Thanks for making this - I do like looking a my character sleeping. Now, if we could get some blankets, it would be perfect