The main problem with The Legion is the goofy looking football pad armor.
Its not a bad idea in theory, but its execution needs a bit more work.
The main problem with The Legion is the goofy looking football pad armor.
Its not a bad idea in theory, but its execution needs a bit more work.
Honestly, it should have been like this mod :
Minus the behemoth of course lol. But in the vanilla game, unmodded, Lanius armor was the best looking in my opinion. Very nice design, they should have done similar stuff for the legionnaires.
Legion is awesome, but only as an evil playthrough.
The Enclave under Colonnel Autumn's command, now that would be interesting, he's not evil and crazy like the AI Eden. What I like about the Enclave is the high tech, the PA (even though I never use them in FO4), and the idea of rebuilding America. Institute reminded me of them, and it's one of the reason I joined.
Couldn't stand the BoS and Maxson, even if they got Vertibirds, they're just raiders with better equipment and acting like they're saving the people. Even back in FO3 I never liked the BoS.
The only thing I don't understand is why people call them nazi (some do because they just read it on forums), they don't like ghouls/mutants so what. I don't see that as nazi. They have a facist sidegoing on though.
Yes, ty, "Caesar" was a Follower of the Apocalypse.
I especially liked the part where in Caesar's camp there was an old slave lady lugging around a heavy backbreaking backpack. Much poignant, though that was especially much lore building.
But that's how the Roman legions looked. The premier heavy infantry army back in antiquity.
Maybe in a post-acoplyptic world, the world will revert to that?
Probably had something to do with killing all "impure" beings which happened to be anyone who wasn't Enclave, human or not.
I thought it was a great look. Looked heavily inspired by like a lot of things in Fallout. Caesar's Legion was a nice change from having another faction with the advanced tech and power armor like we've seen play major roles so many times now.
Focus on stopping power. Pretty don't stop bullets.
Creating post-apocalyptic lorica segmentata an awesome idea. Don't get me wrong. However, Roman legionaries didn't look like football players.
The design in New Vegas was executed poorly. The football pads don't look intimidating, they just look silly. What they should have done was make the legionary armor more like the Centurion armor (which is the best looking armor out of the Legion aside from Lanius's). Bits and pieces of scrap and metal hap-harzardly forged together to resemble their Roman inspirations.
Instead we got goofy looking football jocks wielding rusted little machetes.
Something like it. But Caesar's New Regime takes it a bit too far in the opposite direction IMO.
OK, I thought the Roman post Marian reform heavy mainstay infantry moved onto a uniform shoulder armor "football player" armor and away from chainmail and bring your own armor to battle day look. But I guess I was wrong since you said so.
A lot of the Fallout community would also like to see the Enclave dead and buried where they belong.
The Roman Legionaries wore Lorica Hatmata (basically chainmail) Lorica Segmentata (segmented / Laminated armour) or the Lorica Squamata (Scaled Armour) The Romans didn't have a uniform code, so a mix of all three could be seen in the ranks of same formations. Heirlooms handed down through family was normal. The sculpted muscle cuirass, sometimes seen in movies, weren't used on the battlefield, and was more a ceremonial uniform of status. The Lorica Hatmata fell out of "fashion" about 1st century AD, in favor of the heavier types which protected better vs thrusting swords and pointed weapons such as spears and arrows, and still providing the same protection vs slashing as the chainmail types. Roman soldiers who couldn't afford the heavier types, still wore the chainmails tho.
Only the Lorica Segmentata could somewhat resemble a football player armour
After the Marian reforms, the poor were recruited as professional soldiers and largely comprised the legionaires, and given standardized uniforms by the state, primarily because they were poor and could not afford their own uniform.
Aye, that's right, but family heirlooms were still in use, so all three forms of armour could still be seen. I fully agree with you tho
The Enclave is dead and should stay that way. If anything a few old ass remnants but that's it.
No worries. Its a common mistake. Football players, Roman soldiers. Easy mixup.
Hmmm, I dunno. They do somewhat resemble each other, at least the Lorica Segmentata vs US football.
I could see why someone would draw that parallel
Looks more like this:
I mean, yeah, the Legion look vaguely like Roman soldiers. But based on the way they look in New Vegas, perhaps a better alternative could have been found.
Its just hard to take The Legion seriously when they look like they just ran off the field with the pigskin under their arms. Post-apocalyptic roman soldiers are an excellent idea. But some better art design was probably needed.
For the record though, Centurion armor is amazing.
Oh for sure they could have done better regarding the looks (the DC guards in FO4 also looks silly in my book) The Centurion armour from NV is a mix of all sorts of armour tho, from super muties pieces to combat armour and even leather armour, but still looks better than the foot-soldiers